Day 3: Part 1

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A crash and yelp awoke Lucy.

She looked over at the clock. 6:45 in the morning. Lucy brushed her hair out of her face as she stumbled out of her room.

In the hallway, she found a very disgruntled Erza. "Sorry Lucy," Erza looked up at the blond, "Your wall sort of just broke."

Lucy looked at the wall which Erza sat in front of. A huge dent in the plaster pointed outwards, as if Erza had flung herself at the wall.

Lucy sighed, walking towards her kitchen for something to eat. The troublesome redhead followed her, pulling out a bag of candy from the pantry. She sat on the couch and began unwrapping a fun sized Snickers.

Lucy found a container of fruit salad she had made earlier that week. She put some of the fruit in a bowl, grabbed a fork and went to work eating it.

Five minutes later, Lucy rushed back to her room, changing into a pink and white tank top, brown shorts, and her pair of sandals. "See ya later," Lucy waved at Erza, who was still sitting on the couch with a mountain of candy wrappers on her lap.

Erza attempted to say something, though it was inaudible as her mouth was full of candy.

Lucy carried her letter to number 13 with her, looking at the sky as she made her way to the guildhall. Only one cloud floated in the almost clear sky, orangish from the morning light.

Not many people were in the guild hall as Lucy walked in. Kana sat on a table, smiling at Wendy who talked about the last job she and Carla had been on. Lucy had always liked to watch Kana and Wendy together; Kana was always more gentle and like a sister to Wendy than most people in the guild. And there was the fact that Kana was only that way around Wendy.

Lucy smiled at herself. Kana sometimes comes off as not such a nice person, but she has a soft spot for Wendy. She's cute when someone touches her soft spot.

Lucy took a seat at the bar, where Mira was just getting ready to make something, by the smell of it mint tea. "Hey Mira, are you gonna take Erza back today?" Lucy asked the bartender.

Mira smiled at her, "yeah, I suppose so. It was cold sleeping without her."

Well I didn't really need to know that Lucy thought. "Oh! I'll be back in a minute!" Lucy jumped up, heading towards the mail slots.

She slipped her letter into the spot for 13. Again, 13 hadn't written overnight so Lucy's spot was currently empty.

Lucy walked back to where Mira brewed the tea. "Also, just to let you know, all Erza ate while she was at my house was bread and candy," Lucy informed the silver haired girl. "In fact she's probably still eating the candy right now."

Mira laughed, rolling her eyes, "well at least this time she didn't eat 12 cakes. She did that one time when I left her alone."

Lucy's blue haired friend walked up to her and Mira, smiling at both of them. "Hey Levy!" Lucy grinned at her short friend.

"Hey Luce, Mira!" Levy greeted them. "Listen, can we meet for lunch at the cafe bookstore place?"

"Sure!" Lucy accepted.

"Sorry Lev, I would but Erza will probably want me to stay and feed her," Mira sighed.

Levy grinned, "it's alright! Anyway, gotta go now!"

"Wait where are you going?!" Lucy asked exasperated.

"Gajeel wanted me to come to his room," Levy winked.

"Ok then see you for lunch!" Lucy hugged her friend, who turned around and exited the guild hall.

A/N: sorry this chapter was kinda boring, and left off at a sort of weird spot, but I didn't want to make it too long. Anyway thanks for reading this!!

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