Day 3: Part 2

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~At lunch~

Lucy and Levy walked down the street from the guild hall towards a small cafe outside of a book shop. "So, what are you gonna get?" Levy asked Lucy as they stood in front of the food maker person.

"Hmm...can I have a iced caramel latte with a bagel?" Lucy asked.

"Yep," the server said, then asked Levy, "what would you like?"

"Chai tea and noodles please!" Levy bounced on her toes.

"Alright take a seat where ever you like and you'll get your food shortly," he served smiled at the girls.

Levy and Lucy thanked him as they headed back outside. They took a pair of seats at a table outside the shop.

Their food arrived shortly, and as they began to ate Levy spotted a pair of people. "Hey Lucy, is that Gray and Natsu over there?"

Lucy looked up. Across the street, exiting a pizza shop were two boys, one with raven black hair and the other bright pink. "Yep," Lucy answered,"that's gray and Natsu."

Gray walked with his arm slung happily over Natsu's shoulder, who gave his friend a glare. Gray replied with a smug smile. "Are they finally dating?" Levy whispered.

"Hey, Gray and Natsu!" Lucy yelled, waving at the two boys. Levy's face turned bright red as she tried to get Lucy not to ask her question.

Gray and Natsu approached the two girls tensely. "I thought the bet yesterday only lasted an hour?" Lucy said, smiling to see the boys reaction.

"It did," Gray replied, "we're dating now."

Natsu hid in Grays neck, "I didn't want you to tell anyone!" He complained.

"Well they would've found out anyway," Gray leaned down to whisper in Natsu's ear. "Hey Natsu, you want show the ladies the trick I taught you yesterday?"

Natsu's face turned bright red, as he continued trying to hide his face in his boyfriends neck.

Though neither of the boys noticed, Levy had gotten out her Polaroid camera from her leather bag she carried with her, and had been silently taking pictures for the last couple of minutes. "Natsu, please show us your trick," Levy hid her camera under the table.

Natsu peeked out of his hiding spot in Gray's neck, reaching his arms up to Gray's shoulders. He lightly kissed Gray, who held him close.

They broke apart, and Natsu glanced at the girls, his eyes landing on Levy's camera. "Hey!" He exclaimed, "why-"

"You two are so cute it's impossible NOT to take pictures!" Lucy smiled widely.

Gray hadn't let Natsu go, so as Gray continued hugging his dream boyfriend and previous crush, Levy and Lucy headed back to the guild hall.


When they got back, Levy passed out pictures of Gray and Natsu, the whole guild smiling and talking about how cute they were.

Lucy headed over to the mail slots, checking to see if her letter had been picked up by 13.

Her letter was gone, and in its place sat another letter like yesterday's, titled "For 24".

Lucy stood with her back to the wall, reading the scrawly handwriting:


So you want to know of what I think of the guild. The guild in general is wonderful, but the people in the guild? Let's start off with Natsu. Since he started dating Gray his life is better I hope. Gray just needs to get his shit together, with the stripping and stuff. Erza, I'm not gonna say anything just in case 24 is Erza cause I'm not sure. Lucy really needs to notice what's happening around her.

Lucy's heart stopped as she read the rest of the letter.

I mean, if she noticed how much Juvia is into her-

Wait, Lucy thought. Juvia's into me!!? Is it obvious to other people and I just never noticed!!?? I thought she was super duper into Gray??!!She continued reading.

They would be really cute together, but so would Lucy and I....yeah I hope that's enough for now, so here's my question for you: what's your relationship with your parents?


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