Day 4: Part 3

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For the rest of the day, Lucy visited her favorite bookstore with Levy, and helped Wendy put an idea of hers into motion. "Can we start our own vegetable garden for the guild?" The blue haired girl had asked Master Makarov. "We wouldn't have to pay for as much food then, and it'll be fresher than from the market."

"Sure," Master Makarov had replied, "get some people to help and you'll be good to go."

So Wendy had gotten Lucy, Levy, Mira, Lisanna, and Juvia to help.

They began setting up a patch of what formerly was grass, now upturned into dirt, for their garden. Soon, they had planted peppers, strawberries, basil and some other spices.

Cana had come out to "supervise", meaning watching but not actually doing anything.

That evening, Lucy had gone back to her apartment with Juvia, who was now moving in with her for the the being. "Are you sure you're ok with this?" Juvia asked the blond.

"Yep!" Lucy responded, "it'll be fun to have you around more!"

Juvia smiled, blushing slightly.

They entered Lucy's apartment, to find a huge pile of candy wrappers scattered throughout the room. Oh yeah, Lucy thought, I never cleaned this up from when Erza stayed over..."sorry, I'll get this now," Lucy apologized to Juvia.

Juvia leaned over, helping Lucy collect the brightly colored wrappers.

They threw the trash away. "I'm gonna head to bed now," Lucy stretched her hands over her head.

"Ok, so will I," Juvia said.

Lucy went into her room, changing her clothes and taking her hair tie out of her ponytailed hair. Oh! Lucy thought, I forgot to check if 13 had written back to me before I left the guild hall! I'll check right away tomorrow.

Lucy slithered underneath her covers, chilled from the brisk early October air. I hope Juvia will be warm enough on the couch...

Within minutes Lucy was asleep, but Juvia was nowhere near sleep. The couch was comfortable, but not warm. After all, Juvia normally slept with about eight blankets on top of her.

So, to get warmer, Juvia tip-toed into Lucy's room. There, the blond slept peacefully, breathing lightly. Juvia crawled onto the other side of her bed, burrowing into the blankets. Warm...she smiled.

She smiled. Not only from the warmth, but laying. In the same bed. As the girl she's had a crush on for forever.

Once Juvia was comfortably warm, she fell asleep with a smile on her face and her hand holding Lucy's.

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