Day 3: Part 3

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Lucy stood stunned by the contents of her letter. Juvia likes me?! And this person also does? Who is this person?

Lucy headed out of the guild hall, walking down the street to her apartment.

As she turned around a corner Lucy collided with another girl. The girls blue hair fell over her face as she fell down.

Lucy looked down to see who she had run into. "Ju-Juvia!" Lucy stammered, her face turning bright pink.

"Lucy-chan! I'm sorry!" Juvia scrambled back onto her feet, bowing slightly at Lucy.

The two girls stood there looking at each other, both their faces bright pink. "Lucy-chan?" Juvia whispered, staring intently at the road beneath their feet.

"Yeah, Juvia what is it?" Lucy asked, looking softly at the blue haired girl.

"I, uh, I have a question for you?" Juvia stuttered, her face turned a shade closer to the color of Erza's hair.

"Juvia?" Lucy replied, stepping closer to her friend.

Juvia did not lift her eyes as she, too, stepped closer to Lucy.

They stepped close enough that the tips of their toes touched. I think I can confirm that she likes me, Lucy thought.

A sweet aroma drifted up to Lucy's nose. Like when you first step out of the house in the morning, when the dew's still laying on the grass and the fog hasn't risen yet.

Juvia touched Lucy's left hand to her right, slowly taking hold of it. Their fingers intertwined, Juvia's cold and slippery from nervous sweat.

Lucy leaned forwards, touching her forehead to Juvia's. The breath shared between then was warm and tasted like  the dusty color of twilight that arose around them.

Juvia went rigid, her hand squeezing Lucy's. "I-I'm sorry Lucy-chan!" Juvia stuttered, breaking apart from the blond. "I-um-iknowthatyouprobablydon'tlikemeandi'msorrypleaseforgiveme!" Juvia ran back towards the guild hall.

Lucy stared down the road where Juvia had disappeared. She's gone... Lucy thought sadly.

She solemnly turned the opposite way down the road, back towards her house.

~in Lucy's apartment~

Lucy pulled out the chair from her desk, plopping down. She leaned back, pushing her tied back hair over her shoulder. Pulling out a black pen, she began to respond to the last letter:


To answer your question about my family; my mom and I were close but she's gone now. My dad and I didn't get along very well until the end, and he too passed away. What's your family like?


Lucy folded the letter into an envelope and headed towards her bed. Pulling out her hair tie, her long, sunflower colored hair fell around her shoulders and arms. Well it's been quite a day, she thought, turning out her light as she landed on her bed, instantly falling asleep.

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