Day 6: Part 1

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After sleeping for a whole day, Lucy finally woke up to see a pair of sapphire eyes. "Hey," Lucy smiled a little.

"Do we have to get up today?" Juvia moaned.

"Yeah," Lucy answered, "we probably should." She began to sit up.

"Noo," Juvia complained, pulling the blond back towards her.

They hugged for a minute, before Juvia began to softly sing, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."

Lucy recognized the song immediately. When mom was alive she used to sing this to me... "You make me happy, when skies are gray."

Lucy snuggled her face into Juvia's neck. "You'll never know dear, how much I love you-"

"Hey Luce I wanna go on another job!" A Wild Natsu called from somewhere else in Lucy's apartment.

"Please don't take my sunshine away..."

Natsu burst into Lucy's bedroom, flinging open the door. "C'mon Lucy we need to go on a job!" He said, walking around the room.

The pink haired boy looked through just about everything in Lucy's room for about ten minutes before he noticed Lucy and Juvia in bed together, watching him.

He looked disappointed in a way as it clicked in his head what was happening between the two girls. "Lucy," he began seriously, "it's not really a good idea to have a one night stand with someone else, Cana's gonna kill you."

What? Lucy thought, what's he talking about... "Natsu, firstly this isn't that kind of thing," Lucy began, wrapping her arms around Juvia's shoulders, "secondly, Cana only likes me because I haven't killed her for groping me yet."

"But if it's not an affair with you two, are you-!" Natsu gasped as he finally realized. "You're trying to make Gray jealous, right Juvia?!" He was now very angry.

"No I'm not!! Juvia growled, her eyes were waves that lashed out at Natsu silently.

"Hey, Natsu it's nothing like that!" Lucy exclaimed, trying to break the staticky tension that electrified the air.

"Prove it," Natsu almost yelled. How do I prove it!!?? I have to something, or else my apartment will be ashes in a couple seconds.

Before Lucy moved, Juvia turned herself turned herself towards her. Juvia scooted forwards on her knees even closer to where Lucy sat with her legs crisscrossed.

Once Juvia was practically in Lucy's lap, she stayed standing on her knees. The blue haired girl gently cupped the left side of Lucy's face, tipping her friends head upwards. She bent down, her lips brushing Lucy's.

Arms wrapped around each other, while Natsu pulled out a small camera from his pocket.

He snapped about 15 pictures before Lucy finally noticed. "Hey!" She broke apart from Juvia.

Natsu smiled his giant, toothy grin. "Revenge for when you and Levy took pictures of me and Gray."

He walked out of Lucy's apartment, or at least out of her room.

The two girls sat on the bed, glaring annoyedly at the door Natsu had just exited through. "Lucy," Juvia began, "I would've done the same if Natsu hadn't been there."

Lucy smiled, pulling Juvia into a hug. "I would have too," she pecked Juvia's bright pink cheek happily.

Juvia hugged her back, "thank you."

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