Day 2: Part 2

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Lucy ran home to her apartment, ripping open her letter once inside. It was written in semi-legible handwriting which seemed like it was once neat but that person wrote too fast and eventually it ended up the way it was now.

So whoever you are, 24, I guess we have to talk. Now don't be prepared for me to say anything fancy and written well, that's not gonna happen. So about me. What am I supposed to say about me? I don't like to dress fancily. Hmm...I'm not sure. Ask me a question.


Lucy smiled. She felt that the awkwardness of not knowing what to write in the letters wasn't only shared between her partner and her, but rather the whole guild.

She pulled out her chair that sat solemnly in front of her desk, sitting down. Lucy grabbed a pen and paper, and began her response.


So you would like me to ask you a question? How about this: what do you think of people in the guild. Honestly. Answer how you actually feel, I'm curious!

Once you answer mine, ask me a question. We can take turns answering and asking.


Lucy smiled at her bubbly handwriting. I wonder who my partner is? She thought, smiling up at the ceiling while balancing her chair on the back two legs. "Aahh!" Lucy squeaked, as her chair fell backwards.

"Little Lucy, you should be more careful," a voice purred in Lucy's ear.

"Loke!" Lucy exclaimed, "why-"

"You were in danger of falling. It's a gentleman's job to save their girl from danger," Loke winked at Lucy, who pouted up at him.

With a soft wave and smile, Loke disappeared. Lucy huffed, folding her paper into an envelope.

She got up and undressed, getting ready to take a nice, warm bath.


After half an hour, Lucy stepped out of the bathroom in her white bathrobe. She hummed to herself as she walked around her apartment to find a snack.

"Hey Luce you took too long in the bath I was gonna eat dinner with you but i had to go ahead by myself I got so hungry."

Lucy looked up, ready to punch Natsu for sneaking into her house. But this time, it wasn't Natsu. "Erza," Lucy addressed the red head who sat on her couch. "How did you get in here?"

"You'll have to fix the door," Erza calmly said as she gnawed on a bagel.

Lucy sighed, taking the bread from Erza. She ripped it in half, giving the half that had Erza bite marks back to the scarlet haired girl.

The two girls sat on Lucy's couch, eating their bread for a couple minutes in silence. "So," Lucy began, "why didn't you go to Mira for food instead of coming here?"

Lucy had been told by Levy that since Erza and Mira had started dating, Erza started living in Mira's house. Which meant lots of delicious food, so why come here instead?

"Well, last night I snuck into the kitchen and ate all the food in the fridge," Erza said, not sounding a bit guilty.

"So that explains why Mira didn't make anything today, she had no ingredients!" Lucy realized.

"Yep." Erza answered. "Also because of what I did she kicked me out for tonight, so that's why I'm staying here for the night"

Lucy sighed. She was used to Natsu and Happy staying over, but this was the first time Erza had decided to stay overnight.

"Well if you need anything just let me know," Lucy complied, "or, you could be like Natsu and just get everything yourself. I'm going to bed now."

Lucy left Erza as she headed to her bedroom. Today's been a strange day, she thought. I wonder if number 13 will write back to me tomorrow...

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