You befriended a so called 'monster' and because of that, all your friends left you thinking you were possessed or something. You always showed up at his doorsteps asking if he could come out and play. Then one day, you and your father were ambushed...
You were playing tag with your friends when you noticed that a little boy with red hair was sitting on the swings by himself. You thought that you should let him join too.
"Hey guys, I'm going to see if that boy over there wants to play with us." You say. You were tugged by one of your friends that is a girl.
"Haven't you heard? He's the boy that a monster." Whispers your friend that's a girl.
"So." You beginning to walk but your stopped by your friend again.
"So if you play with a monster then we can't be your friends anymore." Says your friend loud enough for everyone but the red haired boy.
"Okay, I don't need scaredy cat friends like you losers." You say walking away.
"She'll come back." Whispers your friend to the others as she was waiting for you to turn back around, but you didn't turn back around. Then they all left to go somewhere else so they didn't have to be witnesses of your death.
"Hiya!" You say startling the red haired boy. "I'm (y/n) (l/n), wanna be friends?" The red haired boy hesitated a little.
"M-me?" He questions.
"Well obviously, there's no one around!" You say cheerfully.
"S-sure." He stutters.
"Why are you so jumpy? Lighten up a bit, will ya? By the way, what's your name?" You ask staring into his eyes.
"Gaara." Says Gaara.
"Alrighty then Gaara, let's be friends forever!" You say hiding out your hand for Gaara to shake. He shook your hand hesitantly.
"Okay." Replies Gaara.
"So what do you want to do?" You ask smiling.
"I don't know." Says Gaara looking down at his feet.
"I know what we can do!" You say as you grab Gaara's hand and drag him to your house. Many people were staring at you like you had the chicken pox or something. When you got to your house you opened the door to find your father at the kitchen table.
"Hello dear." Says your father without looking up from the newspaper he was reading.
"Hey dad! Look, I made an awesome new friend!" You yell smiling. Your dad looked up and started a little, but he was supportive and let it slide.
"What's your name?" Asks your father looking at Gaara.
"His name is Gaara! He's a little shy you know." You say as you drag Gaara into your bedroom.
"Why do you want to be my friend?" Asks Gaara.
"Because, everyone deserves to have a friend." You say smiling. Anyways, see these cool rocks!" Gaara takes in what you said for a moment then responds.
"Yes." Nods Gaara.
"Me and my dad have traveled a lot so I collect rocks where ever I go. Every place has a cool rock somewhere." You say.
"I like this one." Says Gaara looking at a oval smooth rock that looked like the kanji symbol for love was on it.
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"That one's my favorite. It looks like someone carved Love on it." You say. "You know what, since you like it so much then you can keep it." (You didn't notice that his tattoo yet.) You smile with your eyes closed holding out the rock for Gaara to take. Gaara took the rock from your hands hesitantly.
"Thank you." Replies Gaara. You guys then went outside to kick a ball you had around. Soon it was getting dark so you decide to escort Gaara home. You didn't have to, but you wanted too. You drop him off his doorstep and run back home.
Gaara's P.O.V.
I go up to my room and analyze the rock she gave me. Love was carved on it. I remember what Yashamaru had said to me about love, before he crushed my heart and tried to kill me. I will never love again. I place the lovely gift on my desk realizing it wasn't going to explode or anything. (Y/n) actually, wants to be my friend. Too bad that friendship will probably end.