Because, Not Even A Monster, Deserves To Be Hated On

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You start walking down the street heading toward Gaara's house. You finally arrive to Gaara's house and knock on his door. No one answers the door so you repeatedly knock on the door until finally the door cracked a bit. You saw red hair so you assume it was Gaara.

"Hey Gaara!" You exclaim smiling.

"H-hi.... Why are you here?" Asks Gaara timidly.

"To pick you up obviously!" You say.

"Oh......okay...." Says Gaara as he opens the door fully to come outside and close it. You grab Gaara's hand and drag him down a street that looked like there was a street fair going on.

"My dad gave me enough money for the both of us so let's go!" You yell.

"Okay." Says Gaara quietly. You then drag Gaara over to a Cotton Candy Stand.

"Two please!" You exclaim holding out your money. The person working there stared at you and Gaara, mainly Gaara, which was pretty irritating. "HEY AREN'T YOU GOING TO TAKE MY MONEY AND MAKE SOME COTTON CANDY WITH DELICIOUS MAGIC!?!?!?"

"Uh....yeah, okay." Says the person at the Cotton Candy Stand. The person hands you both the cotton candy and you hand the person the money.

"Thank you." You say as you hand Gaara his cotton candy and you both walk away to sit on a bench. You dig in and when your half way done you look at Gaara's cotton candy and see that he hasn't eaten it.

"Gaara, why haven't you touched your yet?" You ask.

"I've never had cotton candy before." Says Gaara.

"Eat it! It's so yummy!" You exclaim with a smile.

"Okay..." Says Gaara as he takes a bite of cotton candy. "This is sweet and yummy." You swore you almost saw a smile crept onto his face.

"There she is!" Exclaims a boy. Then at least two boys and three girls scurried close to you but not close enough to where they could touch you.

"What are you dumbos looking at?" You ask smirking.

"Why are you hanging out with a monster!" Yells a girl.

"He's not a monster!" You yell.

"He's a monster!" Yells a boy as he throws a rock at Gaara. Before the rock could hit Gaara you got in front of him and let the rock hit your forehead. You felt the place where the rock hit and look at your hand, there was blood.

"Stop protecting the evil monster!" Yells another boy.

"For the last time, he's not a monster!" You yell as you punch the boy in the face making him fall over. You got on top of him and started to punch him in the stomach repeatedly. You got up and looked at all the kids. "If Gaara was a monster then he wouldn't be the only one." Then all the little kids ran away in fear of you instead of Gaara.

"(Y-(y/n), why did you protect a monster like me?" Asks Gaara with tears down his face.

"Because, not even a monster, deserves to be hated on." You say as you hug him.

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