♡ Chapter 04 - Knock ♡

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Chapter 04| "WELL, UH, THANK YOU." I awkwardly stated as I stood out the correct dorm-room. Room 220.

The three numbers were marked clearly against the pale door. I nervously bit my lip to stop my heart from racing as I remained staring at the door blankly.

"Well, uh, I'm glad I could be of help." He smiled and I awkwardly returned the smile.

My gaze quickly averted itself towards the room marked "Room 220" before all sorts began suddenly roaming through my head.

What if I absolutely hated my roommate? What if she hated me? What if she ends up being some crackhead who just sits and smokes and gets high all the time? What if she has anger issues and takes it out on me or something? What if-

"So, are you going to knock?" His voice suddenly snapped me out of my deep internal thoughts.

"Yes," I stated.

He shifted the weight on his feet.

"So, uh, when exactly is that going to happen?" He asked five minutes after.

"Soon." I answered.

"When's soon going to be? Soon as in the next second? Minute? Hour? Day?"

"Soon, Mason." I stated.

"Can you um-Can you knock now? You're kind of making me anxious."

My eyebrows furrowed themselves and my eyes narrowed. "S-Sorry, it was just a suggestion."

Ignoring him, I slowly raised my hand into the air.

"Just move it forwards and knock."

"I know how to knock on a door."

"Really? Because it doesn't seem like it. I mean, you're just standing there. Hesitating."

"Mason!" I warned.

"Sorry. Sorry."

Rolling my eyes, I was about to knock when the suddenly flew open causing me to step backwards in shock and bump into Mason in the process, who just furrowed his eyebrows confused.

A happy blonde-haired girl with a crazy look on her face just peered out from the dorm-room.

"You must be my roommate. I'm Amelia."

Looks like we have met the strange "Amelia" who was amazingly inspired & thought of by best friend, might I add.

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