♡ Chapter 19: McDonald's Double Date ♡

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Chapter 19|"PLEASEEEE!" Amelia loudly pleaded and exclaimed. I turned my head to look at her and narrowed my eyes.

"No." I firmly stated.

"Come on! Atleast think about it."

"Fine." I stated. "Hmmm. . ." I pretended to think. "No."

"Oh come on! You know you want to."

"I absolutely do not want to."

"Please, it'll be fun!"


"Tia!" She wailed.

"No!" I exclaimed.

"Tia, please! Come on!" Her hand gripped onto the sleeve of my shirt.

"Why do you want me to do this?" I questioned sighing.

"Because, you'll get to go on a date with Mason, and I'll get to go out with a cute guy. It's a win, win. Come on, Tia." She pleaded.

"What do I get out of this?" I asked with narrowed eyes. She watched me.

"Um. . .a lifetime's supply of Chocolate Fingers?" She suggested.

"Hmm. . .tempting."

"Come on! I'll get you that big, massive box of 'em and we can watch whatever you want at the Movies. Pleeeeease?"

"Okay." I stated.

"What? Really?!" She shrieked and I nodded.

"I'll do it. Where are we going?" I questioned as she whipped her phone out and immediately began texting.

"To McDonald's."

"What kind of person takes their date to McDonald's?" I questioned walking beside Mason inside of the Fast Food Restaurant.

"Uh, you?" He asked.

"What? What do you mean 'me'?"

"Well, we're kinda on a date. So, you kinda took me to McDonald's for a date." He smiled cheekily and I rolled my eyes.

"Not really." I stated.

"Besides, McDonald's is a restaurant after all. And their food is delicious."

"That's true." I frowned.

"Come on." He grabbed my hand and I yelped as he pulled me towards the counter.

"Hmmm. . .I'm Lovin' It." I watched amused as Amelia sighed contently as she bit into her McChicken sandwich.

"Did you just?" I questioned.

"Did I what?"

"You did!" I exclaimed.

"I did what?"

"Oh my gosh, you totally did." I laughed before biting into chip.

"What did you order?" Mason asked beside me glancing downwards at my food.

"You were literally standing right next to me when I ordered." I spoke with narrowed eyes.

"I wasn't listening." He shrugged. "So, what did you order?"

"A Chicken Nuggets meal." I casually stated.

"I can't believe you ordered a freaking chicken nuggets meal." Amelia's date announced.

I placed my chicken nugget back down into the little box container it was in. "Well, I can't believe you ordered a freaking Happy Meal."

"It's tasty." He defended.

"So, are chicken nuggets." My eyes narrowed, and so did his.

The two of us began a staring contest in the middle of eating whilst Mason and Amelia awkwardly sat beside us.

"Okay, well uh, I think I'm going to get some ketchup." Mason suddenly stated.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Amelia stated and I immediately watched her. "I need to pee. Not that you even needed to know."

"What?!" I shrieked glancing between them. "You can't leave me alone with this crazy person!"


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