♡ Chapter 08 - Fruit Loops ♡

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Chapter 08| "HEY, HOW'D YOUR CLASS GO?" Amelia asked as soon as I walked through the door and slammed it shut behind me before locking it.

I took off my jacket before hanging it up and rolling my neck around then finally responding to her question.


I let myself fall forwards and faceplant the couch. She merely smiled at me halfway through eating Fruit Loops.

"Is Fruit Loops your favorite cereal or something?" I asked lifting my head up.

"Yeah, why'd you ask?"

"Because I saw that you have about four boxes of it stored in the cupboard along with two boxes of Crunchy Nut and nothing else."

"That is correct." She spoke before continuing to munch.

"So, you basically eat cereal all the time?" She nodded.

"Cereal for breakfast. Cereal for lunch. Cereal for tea. Cereal for midnight snack. Cereal is love, Cereal is life."

"Oh my god." I groaned. "You did not seriously just quote that disgusting 'Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life' clip, did you?"

She turned towards me smiling. "I may have, and I may not have." She lightly tapped her nose.

"Hey, I'd tell you a joke about farts-"

"Not again." I grumbled burying my face into the back of the couch.

"But it stinks!" She giggled.

"I'd tell you a joke about pizza-" I mentally groaned. "But it's too cheesy!"

"I can't believe I got fired from the Calendar store," she frowned. "I only took a day off!"

"Oh my god." I laughed.

She opened her mouth to speak but I interrupted.

"I hate insect puns, they really bug me." She threw her head back and started laughing.

I watched her silently for a minute before joining in. The two of us filled the empty apartment with laughter.

When suddenly, Amelia's cereal tipped over. I gasped. It seems as if everything went in slow motion when the bowl suddenly tipped over.

Then it went back to normal when the upside down bowl crashed onto the ground leaving a mess of Fruit Loops and milk everywhere.

We were silent for a couple of seconds.

"Oh my gosh, noooooo!!!" Amelia screeched rushing off of the couch towards the bowl.

She crouched down dramatically before turning the bowl back over. "Noooooo!!" She called out.

I watched with a frown on my face.

"We can-We can save it." She sniffed. "It doesn't have to end like this!"

I remained silent.

"We can bring it back! We can save it! Tia!"

I frowned before slowly approaching her and rubbing her shoulder. "I'm so-I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Noooooo!!!" She turned around and buried her face into my neck before continuing to fake cry.

Suddenly the two of us pulled apart before beginning to laugh then quietening down.

"But seriously," I spoke. "We need to tidy this up."

It's time!

To reveal!



In no particular order.

-dramatic drum roll pls-

Riddles: RAIN.


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