Camp wawanakwa cliff jumping

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I looked over the cliff in fear we were high up. "Okay today's challenge is three fold. Your first task is to jump off this 1000 foot high cliff into the lake" Chris said like this was a simple easy thing to do.

"Piece of cake" Bridgette said confidently "easy for you to say" I said

"Ok one of my many fears is heights see my Aunty took me to dream world and while everyone else was getting out of the car she dragged me on the biggest roller coast there but I didn't know that bad experience I've been afraid of heights ever since" I said


"If you look down you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stuffed with psychotic, haha, man eating sharks. In issue that area is a safe zone that's your target area which we're pretty sure is shark free" Chris laughs at us

"Hehe good one Chris" I said trying not to show how scared I was.

"Excuse me!" Leshawna said

"Pretty sure?" Gwen said

"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside are supplies you will need for the second part of the challenge, building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home lets see killer bass your up first" Chris said

Bridgette went near the edge and looked over it "oh wow, so who wants to go first?" Bridgette asked. We were all silent.

"Hey don't sweat it guys, i hear the show always makes the intern do the stunts first to make sure it's survivable" Owen said trying to get the rest of us a little more comfortable with this.

"So who's up first?" Eva asked "ladies first" Duncan said

"Fine I'll go no big deal. Just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks" Bridgette said just jumped off simply, she dove straight in the safe zone and waved up at us when she resurfaced.

"She did it! Yeah! Yeah! I'm next" Tyler said all pumped up, he ran back and the forward before jumping off "cowabunga!" He yelled on the way down.

Bridgette had gotten on the boat that brings us to shore when Tyler hit the water he landed on one of the sea light buoys that marked the safe zone. I cringed at him, that looked painful.

"Poor guy" DJ said "okay I'm up" Geoff said, he jumped, cheering the whole way down, then Eva followed "look out below!" She yelled.

Duncan jumped next and landed in the safe zone. The boat led Duncan to sure with Eva, Geoff Bridgette and Tyler.

"No way I'm not jumping" DJ said fearfully "scared of heights?" Chris asked soothingly "yeah ever since I was a kid" DJ replied "that's ok big guy unfortunately that also makes you a chicken which mean you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day" Chris said putting a chicken hat on him "awe man for real" DJ said. Chris just made chicken noises and pointed to the chicken way down which was an escalator type thing.

Ezekiel was up next and jumped but hit a tree branch on his way down. At least he landed in the safe zone, the grips cheered for that.

Harold jumped next but he did it with his legs spread out like a split idiot, he landed on the water exactly how he fell and landed right on his balls which made him let out and very loud scream. Chris and I Immediately burst out laughing at his stupidity.

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