Tammy and Heather gone wild

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We were all gathered around the camp grounds. Bridgette and Geoff were kissing they were in a serious relationship since he tried to sacrifice himself for her in the last challenge. Leshawna was talking to Gwen then she was pulled up into the tree. I laughed
"Wasn't there just a 80kg black girl talking to you?" I asked her, confusedly.
"Ooh no you did not I'm going to whoop your ass when I get down from here" Leshawna said "someone set a trap." Gwen explained looking up in the tree. "Well have fun hanging around" heather said laughing before we could walk away, a cage was dropped on top of us, trapping everyone in.
"Gooood morning, campers!" Chris greeted, walking in with a beaver on his head. "Awe whose your new beaver friend?" I asked "friend as if" the beaver said "he bit me" Chris said "your lucky I didn't scratch your face" the beaver said "how dare you your ungrateful pest come here" I said angrily "pest take that back" the beaver said meanwhile everyone else was wondering why I was having an argument with a beaver "and I thought Izzy was crazy" Duncan said "i have the ability to talk to animals sometimes it's not always a good thing" I explained as chef carried the angry beaver off chris sighed in relief
"So ready for today's challenge campers or should I say, trappers." Chris said rhetorically.
We all gasped. Chris didn't wait for a response before continuing.
"Excellent, than lets chat about it over chow." Chris instructed and walked off not waiting for a response.
"He's coming back to untrap us, right?" Leshawna asked, as a knife was thrown at the rope that was caught around her ankle, making her fall on top of the cage. She then got down off the cage and used the knife to open the cage. We all hurried out and made our way to the mess hall for breakfast. I sat next to Heather.
"Campers, there are only 8 of you left on Total Drama Island. After tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony and double elimination, only 6 of you will remain. We're nearing the end, people, so look alive." Chris explained I smiled ready to take on the next challenge
"Today's challenge involves making like our province's great rangers and game wardens. You each have 8 hours to trap an animal, which you must bring back to the campfire, unharmed!" Chris explained the challenge.

*me in confessional*
"An animal trapping challenge this will be the easiest challenge yet with my gift of speaking to animals we will be done by lunchtime" I say happily leaning against the confessional wall

"For my good, I might have to barbeque my animal. I'm starving to death!" Gwen complained pushing her slip around "awe poor Gwen" I said taking a bite of my cheese and avocado toast and chewing it slowly on purpose
"Funny you should mention that, Gwen. Reward for winning today's challenge is a meal of ALL of your favorite foods!" Chris informed.
"I am so winning." Heather announced confidently "I already get normal food so if I win forgot my prize to you consider that banquet yours heather" I said and she smiled.

We all met with Chris outside the boathouse.
"Everyone, choose an animal assignment." Chris instructed, as we all reached into the bucket Chris was holding that held pictures of animals that indicated our assigned animal that we had to catch. "Wolf" I read it was going to be more challenging than a smaller friendlier animal but I could pull it off
"Bear?! Are you kidding me?" Heather asked, aggravated with her assigned animal.
"How is this even possible? these idiots expect for Tammy get cute little froggy and wee baby ducky and I'm supposed to trap a bear with my bear hands?!" Heather questioned angrily.
"You do get 60 seconds in the boathouse to gather any equipment that might help..." Chris tried to reason.
"Yeah and will my gift it will be easy" I told her she nodded and calmed down but still didn't look happy
"Penalty is that looser cleans the communal washrooms, Alright campers, you have just one minute in the boathouse to grab your critter catching gear." Chris said as we all dashed into the boathouse, not wasting a second of our time to grab whatever  is available to catch our assigned animals. "Look a bag of bones and a bag of marshmallows" I said scooping them up
for heather and I "You're going to trap a raccoon with a sledgehammer? You may wanna rethink that." Heather said to Duncan.
"Thanks for the tip." Duncan said, putting down the sledgehammer only to instead pick
up a chainsaw.
I found a English to Russian dictionary as well "What good will Russian do?" Heather asked "trust me" I said
"10 seconds remaining." Chris informed, peeking his head through the door. We all got what we needed and exited the boathouse. Sadie was looking through one of the crates, throwing things around "score tranquilizer gun not that I know how to use if but it might help me catch a deer" she said
"Everybody ready?" Chris asked. "Yes!" We all said in unison.
"Game on!" Chris announced as everyone ran into the forest. I stayed back for a few minutes when know one was looking "Chris did you threw the challenge for me" I say laying a head on his shoulder "hey im host aren't i if I didn't make a challenge of two to help you out what kind of boyfriend would I be" he said "a crappy one" I said joking and kissing him quickly he held my hand briefly but let it go "love you Tim tam be safe" he called out and then the cameras came back on and I ran into the forest. Heather and I looked for a cage where wolves and bears might hang out and I went inside Sure enough a bear was sleeping in there it was the same hairless bear from before I took out the book and said "t privet Molotov, moy drug dolzhen zabrat' vas v lager' nemnogo" (Hello Molotov my friend needs to take you back to camp for a little bit) he opened his eyes and growled a bit "YA pytayus' usnut'" (I'm trying to sleep) he said sleepily "YA kupil zefiry, i ya dam tebe odeyalo, yesli ty priyedesh'
(I brought marshmallows and I'll give you a blanket if you come) "I said he seemed to think about it before agreeing and walking out of the cave while eating some marshmallows. Heather looked surprised "I told you russian would work" I said then I went to look for another cage with a wolf pack I manage to convince the alpha wolf to come in exchange for the bones for his family. When we got back to the camp and put them in the cage Chris declared heather the winner who immediately started ordering food.

Not long after Gwen came screaming from the woods "OPEN THE CAGE, OPEN THE CAGE!" she screamed. I opened the cage as the duck ran in as she threw duck-bait in "did I win?" Gwen asked them liked at the bear and wolf and sighed in defeat.
Suddenly Duncan came running in with a raccoon on his head.
"Open the cage!" Duncan pleaded. I opened the cage door just as Duncan came running in with the raccoon. He managed to finally get it off his head and threw it into the cage.
"What do you think of that?" Duncan asked, proud of himself. Duncan smirked
"I won already." Heather pointed out and I laughed. Gwen and Duncan walked away. I walked away with Chris "see you after you meal" I said leaving Heather there on her own being served by chef with a big smile on her face "thanks again" she called out. Chris and I found a secluded area with no cameras and sat on a tree stump "nature really is beautiful isn't it" I said watching the animals and listening to the sounds "it is people wouldn't know it but sometimes I like to just sit in nature and relax makes me calm" he said "that's sweet and here I thought you enjoyed explosives more" I said "I enjoy those too mostly when contestants are blown up with them" he said laughing at the thought then he added "but my father was a famous explorer he used to take me out camping and into nature all the time it was our thing until he passed so being in nature reminds me of him we actually discover this island together and the treasure in it we used to go on lots of adventures like that we were the heroic father son team, that's why I bought this island to remember him" he said a few years streaming down his face. I hugged him "awe I am so sorry I'm here for you know we can go on adventures together I love you" I said  cuddling him right he smiled and whipped his eyes. The both of us started leaning in till our lips met. We kissed slowly and then started to make out. We were interrupted by Bridgette falling out from behind the bushes, passed out, with deer antlers and a dart stuck to her ass. Me and Chris stopped making out and burst out laughing "nothing like some teenager being hurt to cheer me up" he said I held his hand "that's the spirt now let's take her back to camp and check on the others" I said "good idea" he said
*me in Confessional*
"Poor Chris at least her shared that with me must have hurt as far as Bridgette don't as me what she doing didn't she get squirrel?"
Sadie  popped out from behind the bushes with her tranquilizer gun. We dragged Bridgette back to camp heather was sitting full rubbing her stomach with food around her mouth.

Then it was time to vote
*me in confessional*
Hmm so many annoying people honestly I have to vote for Leshawna and Sadie Sorry But they have been annoying me for weeks" *static*

Bridgette was strapped to a trolley thing for lifting heavy objects barely unconscious.
"You uh sure you don't want to go to the infirmary to get your butt dart removed?" I teased. Heather snickered
"You've all cast your votes and made your decision. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately go to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers and leave. That means you're out of the contest, and you can't come back. Ever." Chris said. Then he tossed heather a marshmallow because she had immunity before he called names "Tammy, Duncan, Gwen, Geoff" he called giving us our marshmallows now it was down to Leshawna Bridgette and Sadie "and the final marshmallow Leshawna" he said tossing her one meaning. Bridgette and Sadie were eliminated. Since Leshawna lost, she had to clean the communal washrooms which made me happy she was finally getting what she deserved.

I then let the animals out of the change who all thanked me and ran into the woods. Then set up a small memorial for Chris's dad with nature stuff by the woods and went to sleep

There you go finally updated after all the delay don't worry I will be posting another chapter tonight and finally Chris is opening up more to Tammy isn't that sweet ( ^ω^ ) as always tell me if you spot and spelling errors

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