No pain much gain

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I sighed this weekend had been so relaxing. First of all there was one room per person unfortunately for us there was one less room then there was people so I stayed in a room with Chris. Men and Women served us hand and foot while on board we sunbaked, swam in the pool, had spa treatments, had gourmet food. Now heather, Lindsay, Chris and I were having a party on the deck we were dancing when we got closer and the boat docked I could see the guys were unhappy Geoff was asleep on a deck chair, Duncan was carving a skull into a tree, Trent was playing his guitar, Owen was eating a big plate of chefs slop and Dj was playing with his bunny.

"What a weekend you can't buy that kinda fun baby" Leshawna said getting off the boat the rest of us followed her
"I think Gwen and Lindsay took a real shine to those gentlemen that served us hand and foot" Heather said
"Don't forget the spa treatments" Bridgette said
"Your right my alligator elbows totally gone" Leshawna said holding her arms up
Bridgette felt them
"so smooth" she said Duncan stabbed the tree with the knife
"Those should have been my alligator elbows getting the hand and foot treatment" Dj muttered under his breath
"Anyone care for dark chocolate covered strawberries?" I asked going up to the guys they just glared and Duncan punched the tray out of my hand and into the water
"Nooooooo" I screamed
"Don't worry the guys are just jealous" Lindsay said
"That's smart of you Lindsay" I said but she was back in her own world
"And who can blame them we had great fun being pampered while they stayed with Chef" I said laughing making them all glare
"Girls rule" we all cheered

"Were still tighter than you girls" Duncan said
"Listen up campers as of right now all teams are officially dissolved for this point in its every camper for themselves" Chris announced over the loud speaker
"Well it's about time we flew solo" Duncan said Geoff and Dj crossed their arms
"ooh I am feeling that bring it on Chris" Leshawna said confidently
"Then get ready for this" Chris said over the loud speaker

A horn sounded and a boat appeared as it came closer I could see a girl was on it at first I thought it was a new competitor but then as it got closer I saw it was an old one Eva the one with anger issues.
"What but that's impossible" Heather said in shock
"I know" I said also in shock
"Aw man what is she doing here?" Trent asked
"Back by popular audience demand it's Eva" Chris announced over the loud speaker
"That's right I'm back and just so were clear not only am I going to kick butt but I'm playing special attention to my back stabbing bass team who voted me off" Eva yelled angrily
"Wait a minute you said no one is aloud back" Gwen said confused
"I did?" Chris asked over the loud speaker
Gwen rolled her eyes
"And once you leave on the dock of shame on the boat of losers you can never ever ever come back" Gwen said
"It's Chris's show its in our contract he can do whatever he wants" I said standing up for Chris
"Tammy right and about that I lied" Chris said over the loud speaker laughing
"You can't do that it's not fair" Gwen said
"Girl your reasoning with a loudspeaker that just does not look god" Leshawna said pulling her away from it.
Eva was snarling at Bridgette like a wild animal
"So Eva what have you been doing since you left the island?" Bridgette asked
"Taking anger management classes I remember you thinking I needed them" Eva said angrily

"Also returning to camp it's Sadie" Chris announced over the loud speaker. Sadie same swinging in on a rope
"Sadie!" I said happily jumping up and down
"Tammy Lindsay Heather eeeh it's so good to be back" Sadie said jumping of the rope and hugging me
"How is Katie?" I asked
"Oh she's good I miss her so much" Sadie said getting a bit teary eyed
"Hey it's ok Sadie your in it to win in girl and if you do you can split the money with Katie" i said she nodded in understanding
"Your right I'm going to be strong for both of us and I have you here too" she said

*me in confessional*
"Sadie's back I can't believe it I wish Katie was back too but the girl alliance is nearly whole I miss you Katie"

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