Who can i trust?

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I woke up and my hair was so silky and smooth from using Chris's shampoo and conditioner. I ran my hair threw it to find not even one nought "wow" I said.

I went to the dinning hall "today's breakfast is Indian Italian fusion casserole" chef said putting slop on gwens plate "you mean leftovers from the cooking challenge" Gwen said "yeah that's right you got a problem with that" chef said getting up in her face "sir no sir" Gwen said walking off I went up last "creeps with strawberries and cream" chef said handing me my breakfast "mmm crapes" I said walking past Courtney as I did so. I sat down at our teams table and saw Leshawna sniffling wrapped in a blanket "need some vitamin c" I said laughing "licking me in a fridge was straight up wrong don't think your getting away with it" Leshawna said "ooh I'm so scared" Heather said laughing I high fived her. I finished eating and I went out and saw Chris near a cliff directing two interns where to put minor explosives and nails "hey" I said.

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek when the interns weren't looking "hey Tammy want a hot chocolate?" He asked "sure but I can I share one with you I just had a big breakfast" I said "sure intern get me a large hot chocolate with 2 pinches of cinnamon and 3 pink marshmallows" he said making the intern run off after it "how did you know how I like my hot chocolate last time you just got me normal hot chocolate" I say smiling "I may have read it on your cousins total drama blog" he said laughing "you may have" I said raising an eyebrow.

We both went down to the docks where all the the other contestants were gathering I stood next to Heather and Lindsay and glared at Leshawna and Gwen "so late weeks challenge exposed some gopher issues" Chris said "pff the only issues are standing in front of me" I said pointing to Leshawna and Gwen. "And I'm sensing something funky floating in the bass pond too" Chris continued as Duncan pushed Courtney and Courtney pushed him back and they both ended up on the floor.

"So this weeks challenge is going to be centred around building trust, because all good things begin with a little trust" Chris said

*me in confessional*
I just hope I'm not going to be out with Leshawna or Gwen

"There will be three major challenges that will have to be complete by two members of your team, normally we like that have people choose there partners but not this time more fun for me" Chris said laughing

We all went to the first challenge which was at a rock mountain wall thing "ok so for the first challenge you'll be doing an extreme free hand rock climbing adventure Dj and Duncan will play for the bass, Heather and Gwen for the gophers here's your belay and harness" Chris said tossing them to Gwen but Heather snatched them "hey whats your damage" Gwen said "if you think I'm letting you hold me up your nuts" Heather said glaring at Gwen "you won't be holding her up exactly one person pulls the slack threw the belay as their partner climbs if the climber falls the belay will stop them crashing the catch both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like rust nails, slippery oil slicks, mild explosives and a few other surprises" Chris explained Harold looked really impressed "wicked" he said "the person on belay must also hold there partner up its all about trust people" Chris said as Gwen and Heather glared at each other "and remember never let go of the rope your partners life depends on it" Chris continued "excuse me" Gwen said putting her hand up like she was in some middle school classroom "can we trade partners I really don't feel like being dropped on my head today" Heather rolled her eyes "please as much as I love your company I'm not going to threw a challenge just to kill you....yet" Heather informed Gwen "now spread em" Heather said.

Meanwhile Duncan was helping dj with his harness "never tried this before have you?" Dj asked "oh yeah they teach you to climb walls all the time in prison" Duncan said sarcastically just as Duncan finished with the harness a bunny poked its head out of DJs pocket "awe sorry little buddy you can't come up with me, you can trust Geoff he's my buddy" Dj said handing the bunny to Geoff "yo Geoff hold bunny while I'm on the rock thanks g" he said "sure man little furry dude" Geoff said.

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