Chapter 1

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Alexis spent her time hopeless staring out the window of  the car as she awaited some 'inspirational' speech to escape her sister lips about making good decisions like her mother used to make. However the speech never came as Meghan uncomfortably shifted in her seat unsure of how to handle the situation. It had been months since their mother passed and Meghan could tell the younger girl was taking it hard, despite her constant demands that she wasn't. And if her attitude wasn't enough to prove it her new habit of drinking and smoking was. The older sibling tried her best to think of how her mother would have handled it before eventually deciding  to avoid the topic for the moment and focus on the road as she headed towards her sister's soccer practice. In hopes her attitude would change once she hit the field. Meanwhile on the other side of the car Lexi struggled to hide the dread in her eyes from her invasive sister.

However she knew her attempts would fall short as always. Her sister had a habit of seeing straight through her and usually she hated it. As far as Lexi was concerned Meg was annoying enough as her sister ,and she didn't need her as a therapist too. Yet time after time she found herself opening up to the defender about her seemingly childish high school issues and soccer always seemed to be the main topic.
''Come on Lex! Aren't you excited?'' Meghan practically shouted momentarily breaking the invisable barrier of silence taking over the car as she took on the older sister role with confidence.

''Yup!'' she replied in an atempt to mask the deception in her voice. But the older girl picked up on it right away as the smile on her face slowly faded and she began to question if  she need as more of a guardian or sister.

'' You know you don't have to keep coming because of me right?''  Although it was completly random Lexi was not at all suprised by her sisters words. It's easy to feel pressured to play when your older sister is a World Cup champion, but in reality she just loved the game. Maybe it ran in the family, or maybe it was Maybeline but what ever it was it was the last thing on Lexi's mind as she got closer and closer to the practice field.

''Unless there is something else going on?'' Meghan questioned , as her signature smirk returned to her face despite the immense amount of worry in her voice. The truth was that she already knew the problem. Soccer season would mean spending weeks on end with Her best friend Jessica. Which was something Lexi enjoyed alittle to much for comfort and Meghan knew that feeling all to well. Luckily for her Meghan had been facing the same problem for years with no success, and she desperately wanted to shield her sister from the pain that was to come. So it was no surprise that she struggled to find the words her younger counterpart needed to hear. The more she thought about it the more she got distracted ,as she pictured the face of her favorite midfielder. Everything about Moe was perfect her hair, her smile, her lips everything and everyone knew it including Meghan.But before she knew it her train of thought had crashed as the sound of her name escaping her younger sister's lips rung through her ears.
"Meghan! Meghan! Look out!"
I honestly have no clue where this  idea came from but I hope you guys like it. I'll try to update as much as possible!

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