Chapter 3

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"Ok I'll call you later!" Meghan yelled as she waved goodbye to her younger sister. It had been a week since they were released from the hospital and Drew agreed to take care of Lexi for a few weeks ,and as much as she didn't want to admit it Meghan was relieved! Between practice and keeping her sister under control she didn't have much time for herself. Luckily for her she was restricted from playing due to the accident. Which meant she about another week off to spend by herself plus her teammates constantly checking in. 

But no one visited as much as Morgan she stopped by everyday since the accident. At first she was worried it would make some of  her teammates suspicious, but she didn't care as far as they were concerned she was just a concerned best friend. No one knew the truth. No one knew how her heart sunk when she walked into practice to find Kling wasn't there, or how she drove as fast as she could to see Meghan's face every night. NO ONE!... especially not Hope. In fact the only one who knew was Carli. But that was only because Carli knows and sees everything ... seriously everything.

But Morgan must have been moving slower than usual because when Meghan rose in response to the familiar ring of her doorbell she was greeted by an unexpected visitor.

"Hey hot shot!'' Hope giggled as she leaned against the door post of the younger girl.

''Hey Babe'' Kling chirped quickly forgetting about the pain as she pulled the taller girl into her arms.

Meanwhile, Morgan stood starstruck as she watched the entire scene play out from the window. As a tear slid down her eye hitting the box of macaroons  in her hand she hopped back in her car and drove straight to Carli's place.


Hey guys sorry it took so long and its so short I've been super sick but i hope you guys like this chapter. I know Meghan and Hope is a really strange and uncommon ship but i thought it was pretty cool. Don't worry there will definitely be some Bling in the future and possibly o'solo if you guys want it.

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