Chapter 21

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Alexis's P.O.V-
  "Mal! Mal! Mal! Mallory! Mal!" I called like a child searching for their parent.
  "What?" She called with the slightest hint of annoyance in her voice as she entered the room. She was wearing nothing but a pair of pink Nike training shorts and a matching sports bra as she furiously brushed her matted hair. I never realized how toned her abs were until then. I would say it's because I never really looked but that would be a lie. I was always sneaking looks at her from the corner of my eye ,and this was no exception.
    "Hello! Earth to Alexis." She chuckled as she plopped down on to the bed. "Do you want to go for a run?"
    "Huh?" I asked slightly confused as I sat down next to her. I could smell the scent of her shampoo but I pushed the smell away.
    No Alexis we are not doing this again!
She is straight, you are not! She is pretty ,you are not! Get over it already!
    "You know that thing where you move your legs really fast."
    "I know what running is you jerk" I sighed as I laid down on the bed.
    "I'm serious! It could help clear your mind and besides I'm sure Hope would enjoy a few hours by herself."
     Once again I didn't respond and I guess she noticed this time because before I knew it a pillow was flying towards my face.
    "Is the fact that I don't have a shirt on distracting you?" She asked.
     "I said is the fact that I don't have a shirt on distracting you?" She repeated with a smirk on her face as if she was daring me to say no. She really is spending too much time with Tobin
       "Of course not" I said a little too eagerly afraid that she may put one on if I told the truth.
    "Really?" She asked and raised her eyebrow as if she didn't want to believe it.
    "Good because I don't plan on putting one on now get dressed!" She yelled chucking yet another pillow at my head.
     "Yeah sure" I sigh as I go back to my pile of clothes which is now spread out across the room to find my work out gear. As she threw on her Nike tech fleece jacket and ran to grab her shoes.
Shit that was close
Mal's P.O.V-
    I ran out of the room and into the living room to grab my running shoes I kept by the door. I'm not sure what that was exactly but I know that I won and I was determined to rub in her face. As I threw on a pink tank top and grabbed my phone before plopping down on the coach.
      I looked through my notifications to see 10 texts from Pinoe and I knew I was in for it
Pinoe: OMG look at this picture #proof
Pinoe: I mean come on how can you deny that?
Pinoe: Can I post this? Please please please!
Pinoe: ok I won't post it if you tell me if its real
Pinoe: oh come on Mal Pal I know you are up by now!
Pinoe: you can't ignore me forever
Pinoe: fine I'll just ask Lexi since she actually REDONDS!
Pinoe: shit I meant respnnds
Pinoe: Responds! You know what I mean!
I just chuckled and reminded my self to get Hope for it later on as Alexis finally came out.
She was wearing a bright blue tank top with black adidas sweats ,which was very rare considering she was a self-proclaimed 'Nike Girl'. And her hair was pulled into a pony tail so I could see the small freckles that outlined her forehead. One of the only significant differences between her and her siblings. I mean don't get me wrong they were all attractive but Alexis was in an entirely different category. Well she was to me at least but I would never tell her that.
   I quickly shock the thought as I grabbed my keys and jogged to the door.
     "By the way is there a reason Rapinoe is blowing up my phone?" She asked as she shut the door behind us.
    "I'll explain later" I chuckled
"Oh wait!" She yelled as she grabbed my waist pulling me into her. I had no idea what she was doing partially because I wasn't facing her ,but mostly because I was too busy trying to keep my breathing under control. That is until I felt her hands moving through my hair as she pulled it into a pony tail and turned me around.
    "There" she sighed but not before reaching behind my ear to tuck in the loose hairs. "Perfect"
     I was going to say thank you but I didn't have the chance because before I could open my mouth her soft lips were on my temple ,as she stood on the tips of her toes to reach it. Sending a warm feeling through out my body. I closed my eyes as I took in the feeling wanting the moment to last forever ,but it didn't. Seconds later she dropped back down to the ground and took off without another a word. Leaving me to trail behind in her dust, but even from there I could see the smile building on her face and I hoped she could see mine too.
Yay Mex is alive people! Thanks to SmurfLauren for giving me the suggestion! Let me know what you guys think in the comments.

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