Chapter 22

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Meghan's P.O.V-
Let me tell you something being in a coma FUCKING SUCKS! I mean don't get me wrong it's better than having a blaring pain and blood gushing out of my head. But not being able to do anything is pretty bad too.
Prime example: right now Hope is next to me. (Which I only know because she's talking) and Tobin is somewhere far away to my right or something like that talking to someone who I think is Abby. I'm assuming Alexis and Mal left because I doing hear them anymore ,or maybe they're just really quiet I have no idea.
But from what I can hear Tobin is fed up with Alex. Hope is trying to play therapist and talk her out of it and Abby is just getting a good laugh from it all or at least I think it's Abby.
And I'm just laying here eyes closed, mouth zipped, doing absolutely nothing great.
  Well let's play a game
Who came to see me today?
Alexis,Mal,and Hope
Pinoe and Syd
Tobin and Abby
And who else? Oh yeah Moe
Morgan was being really weird for some reason. She kept apologizing to me and I have no idea why. Maybe that's one of those memory loss things I heard the doctor talking about.
I don't what she could have done though...Oooh wait! The door just closed! Shit who left? Fuck! Kling pay attention!
"Baby? Baby I'm not sure if you can hear me. But I love you so much." I hear Hope's soft voice whisper into my ear for the sixth time today. As her hands run through my hair. I could tell she was crying by the cracks in her voice and I settled on the fact that everyone must have left. And before I knew it her thick tears were hitting my skin.
      I just want to tell her I love her and that everything will be ok. But I can't mostly because I CAN'T FUCKING TALK but also because I'm not sure if everything will be ok.
But... HOLY SHIT WHAT ABOUT LEX! How is she? Is she doing ok without me? Where did she go? Why isn't she back yet? Is Mal helping her? Damn I'm having a hard time focusing!
Is Mal helping her too much? Do I trust Mal with her? Omg are they dating!
Oh no! Oh no no no no no! What if they get together and then break up but then reconnect after a few years and get back together! What if they get married? Oh I would have the cutest nieces or nephews! Oh shit what if I don't get to meet them? What if I just died right here right now and they never get to know me and all they have to go off is my Wikipedia page?What if none of this ever happens and this is all in my head?
Fuck I really need to wake up because those two have a lot of explaining to do
Morgan's P.O.V-
"Ugh!" I yell into my steering wheel wheel as I sit in the hospital parking lot. Some day soon Meghan is gonna wake up or at least I hope so and everyone will ask what happened. And whether she remembers or not ,or if she wakes up or not it's gonna come out, and Hope is going to kill me. Correction Hope and Alexis are gonna kill me. Ok Hope,Alexis,and Tobin are gonna kill me.
"What the fuck did I do?" I sigh as I stick my key into the ignition and head to the only place I could think of.
     I wish I could blame it all on the alcohol or say my hands slipped but it would be s lie. I mean of course I didn't intend to put her in a coma I just wanted her to shut up and listen to me for once. That's all and now she'll probably never  talk to me again.
"I love you Meghan!"
"I love you! Ok and you don't even care!" I yelled as hot thick tears seeped from my eyes.
"Moe I do care about you!" She pled as she reached out to touch me but I slammed her back into the wall ignoring the tears that began to fill her eyes. Completely unaware of the blood that was already seeping from the back of her head.
"Tell me you love me! Tell me you love me like you tell her!" I yelled with more emotion than I ever had before.
"Moe I can't-"
"Yes you can! I yelled again with yet another hard slam. "Am I not good enough for you? Is she prettier than me?" I yelled tightening my grip on her small wrist.
"Moe you're hurting me!" She yelled louder as the tears  finally began to fall from her eyes.
" I don't care!" I spat back.
I don't care. My best friend was bleeding to her possible death and I told her I didn't care. Her body was filled with pain that I caused and I told her I didn't care. The biggest lie of my life.
I'm so freaking excited for the next few chapters and I don't know why but I think you guys are gonna like them! Don't forget to let me know what you think in the comments.

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