Chapter 12

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Tobin's  P.O.V-
"Wait!" Alex yelled but I  had already taken off towards the stands.
Fuck I'm gonna have to pay for that later! But I didn't care I had to check this out. I had to see what it was?
Kling's P.O.V-
I was standing outside the locker room listening to a debate between Allie and Ashlyn about what cereal is better. When Alex came rushing in.
"Hey Kling! Did you see Tobin?" Alex asked.
"Not since she left the locker room why?"
"She just took off"
"You know how Tobs is! She probably just saw a ball!" Yelled Ashlyn earning a chuckle from Allie. But it was quickly gone as Alex shot her an earth shattering look.
"Not funny Harris! Seriously why would she just run off on me like that? It's weird!
"Says the girl who yanks people into dark closets" Ashlyn whispers.
"Oh screw you!"
"I'm joking. I'm sure your precious little girl friend just forgot something in her locker. Now shut up and put a smile on your face!"
"What why?"
"Hey beautiful" a dark voice whispered into her ear as huge arms warped around her body.
"Ehh him again" Allie whispered just enough for Ash and I to hear.
"Tob... Servando! Hey baby w-what are you doing here?" Alex exclaimed desperately trying to cover her mistake.
"Did you just call me..."
"I didn't call you anything!"
"Ashlyn didn't it sound like...
"Sorry the Shark is out!"
"Sorry guys I gotta get back to the locker room."
"Meghan?" He sighed
"Uhh I-I" I panicked looking around for support but Ash and Ali were already gone. Shit! Come on Kling think of an excuse. Ok I broke my leg. That wouldn't make sense! My cat died! I don't have a cat. My mom died! Uh no. Fuck he's staring at me! What should I say? I tried to telepathically ask Alex but it clearly wasn't working.
"I'm sorry what?" I asked partially to keep him from staring at me but also because i forgot the actual question during my 5 second breakdown.
"Didn't it sound like she called me Tob..."
"Tobin what?" She yelled as she ran up to me. Thank god!
"Oh nothing it just seemed like she said your name."
"Haha why would say my name?" She chuckled obviously not intimidated.
" I don't know why would she?" he responded in a darker tone clearly making Tobin uncomfortable as he stepped closer to her. I wanted to leave but something about how he talked to her made me wanna stay. I mean after all nobody makes Tobin uncomfortable. Nobody!
"Ugh Servando!" Alex called trying to pull his attention away from Tobin. "Maybe you should head to your seat we should be starting soon."
"Yeah maybe Tobin can show we where they are."
"Actually I should probably get back to my team." She responded obviously not as confident as she was before.
"Your team can wait can't they?" He asked in the same tone as before placing a hand next to her head as she backed in to the wall. I don't like this I don't like this at all!
"Baby she's right! I'll walk you ok?" She asked placing a kiss on his check and pulling him towards the stands.
Tobin quickly stood up fixing her uniform that was now the same color as her face.
"Let it out of the field." I told her as she made our way back to the team
"I'd much rather take it out on his face" she laughed clearly in a better mood now that "he" was gone.
"Oh by the way where did you run off to earlier?"
"Oh right! I'll show you after the game!"
Ohhhh drama! 😂😂 Comment and let me know what you guys think or if you have any suggestions!

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