Chapter 10

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"Calm down Meghan. She does this all the time and you know that. She'll be back in a few days."
"But what if she doesn't come back this time? What if something happens?" I panicked as I paced around the room.

"Listen M you're worried so am I but we both knew this would happen. Just wait around a few days and if she's not back by the end of week then we'll file a missing persons report besides we can't even do much until she's gone for 24 hours. "
"We can look!" I yelled clearly irritated. I mean how can he be so calm.? Why would he be? His little sister could be anywhere and he doesn't even care?
"Look Meg I don't have the time to deal with this right now. I'm sure she'll show up on your door step in no time."
"I'm sorry M I have too go I have way more important thing to deal with than little Ms. Dramatic disappearing again.
"Fuck!" I yelled as I threw the phone across the room.
More important things? Are you kidding me?
You know what she was right. I am the only person who cares about her. I always was.
"Meghan?" I heard Hope's soft voice call from the doorway.
"Hey." I sighed as I flopped down onto Lexi's bed. "What are you doing here babe?" I questioned clearly struggling to keep my emotions under control.
"Moe called me"
"Oh." I replied looking up to the ceiling as I tried to hold back my tears but of course I failed like I always do because the next thing I knew I had collapsed in Hopes arms.
"Wow two breakdowns in a day go me!" I thought as I looked up to find Morgan standing in the door frame. Her eyes were fixed on the ground and I knew she was uncomfortable. But that quickly changed as I waved her over wrapping my arms around her.
"Thanks Moe for everything." I whispered in her ear just loud enough for her to hear. She didn't need an explanation she just smiled and rose to her feet leaving us alone. As I looked over to Hope to see concern written all over my face.
God what would I do without her? I thought I just didn't know what her I was talking about at the time.
Honestly loving the Hope/Kling in this story and i have no idea why 😂. But I hope you guys liked this chapter new one coming soon!

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