Chapter 24

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Hope's P.O.V-
    "Ok everything checks out. She should make a full recovery and be back out on the field in no time." Chirped the doctor as I handed her the discharge papers.
     "Thanks." I sighed as I made my way back into the dimly lit hospital room and plopped down into the chair.
"Um Hope can I talk to you for a minute?" Asked Alexis whipping her head away from whatever she was doing.
        "Of course!" I replied as I stepped back into the empty hall. "What's going on kiddo?" I replied a little too excited. Lexi and I had grown a lot closer since that night at the party, and I was determined to keep that relationship. I mean no one wants their sister to marry someone they hate right? I could see it already it I'd get her the biggest ring I could find. I mean how could Lexi not give me her blessing? It's me.
      "Um I was thinking..."
      "About?" I replied sarcastically as I leaned against the wall.
"Well you know how Meghan's memory isn't really back yet?"
       "I thought that maybe since she doesn't exactly remember who you are to her then it would be better if Morgan helped me out with her until she does." She whispered as she stared at her feet clearly uncomfortable.
"You know since she remembers her." She quickly added after noticing the irritation on my face. I wanted to say no. To go on a rant about why that was the stupidest idea I'd ever heard, or about how strange Moe was acting lately. But I knew I couldn't. So I just nodded my head as I saw Morgan's thin frame out of the corner of my eye.
"Smile and wave Hope. Smile and wave." Lexi whispered ,as she approached us. What the hell is she up to?
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short it's kind of a filler. But it's going to get better soon I promise!  Also I've been considering starting a one shot book that I wrote a few chapters of. What do you guys think? 🤔

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