Chapter 16

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Morgan's P.O.V-
"Ok that's it!"
"Come on bean! One more shot!" Whined Kelley as she ordered another round.
"Take it easy the night just started guys!" Piped Servando from his seat at the bar. But no one really paid him any attention besides Alex except a few cold stares here and there. It was no secret that the team didn't think the best of Servando and it's pretty easy to tell why. The guys a complete douche and none of us like the way he treats Alex. But we tolerate him because he's her husband, and she 'loves' him or at least she says she does. But I shock his comment off and took the small drink from Kelleys hand before chugging it down. I'm with my girls what could go wrong? Right?
Hope's P.O.V-
" Hey Pinoe!" I shouted over the balcony to the blond.
"What!" She yelled from the dance floor clearly annoyed that I interrupted her 'dance'.
"Don't forget about that ring on your finger!"
"Yeah! Yeah! I know!" She shouted back as she wiggled her hand in the air showing off her engagement ring before continuing to move to the music.
"Crystal keep an eye on her please?"
"Of course" she chuckled as she took off to the dance floor.
"That girl is something else" Abby sighed as she plopped down next to me.
"Yeah Sara is going to have her hands full. " I chuckled.
Hey Tobs you ok?" I asked as she entered the room with Kling trailing behind her.
"Yeah I'm fine! Hey where's Allie?"
"Bar" replied Morgan as she stumbled into the room.
"Drunk already Moe? " I chuckled as I helped the younger girl catch her balance.
"Shut it Solo and for your information I'm not drunk I'm just heavily intoxicated." She replied sarcastically before crashing down onto the couch.
"Just because you worded it differently doesn't mean it's not true kiddo!" Becky replied as she entered the room.
"I'm not! Besides I am a lot worse when I'm drunk right Kling?"
"Huh?" She replied as she lifted her head off of my shoulder.
"I said I'm not drunk right?"
"Oh yeah definitely not at least not completely anyway" she chuckled. God I love her laugh.
"You know what screw all of you!"
"Awe Bean! It's ok we can go be drunk together!" Called Kelley from the entrance as she pulled Morgan towards the dance floor.
"Oh wait! I have to pee! Meg walk me?" She whined as she shot a wink in Kelley's direction. What the hell are they up to?
"Yeah sure! I'll be back babe" Kling sighed as she hopped up placing a kiss on my check. Before grabbing Moe's hand to help her stand and walking out the room. Something about the look on Moe's face made me uneasy but I shock it off as I turned my focus back to Pinoe.
"I wonder what those to two are up to?" Carli questioned clearly reading my mind.
"Maybe Morgan's trying to make her move" laughed Becky.
"Yeah Hope you better watch out!" Abby chuckled as she took a sip of water.
"You guys are crazy" I laughed "Moe would never do that and besides I trust Meghan."
"Sober Moe wouldn't but drunk Moe would!" Abby replied causing everyone to burst out in laughter.
"Come on guys I'm sure it's nothing. Besides Morgan is Kling's best friend she won't try anything" Carli replied as she shifted in her seat.
"I hope"
"What was that Car?"
"Huh oh nothing I just said I'm cold. I think I'm gonna go grab my jacket out the car." She replied as she rushed out the door.
What is up with everyone lately?
Yay 2 chapters in one day! I really hope(no pun intended) you guys liked this chapter.Theres going to be a lot of drama coming up so I hope you guys are ready. Let me know what you guys think in the comments

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