Chapter 20

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Hope's P.O.V
*The next day*
I sighed as I stared at Meghan's sleeping face and ran my hand through the tiny specs of hair that weren't hidden under the bandage. She still hasn't woken up and I'm kind of freaking out. I mean yeah I know these things take time, but I just want to hear her voice again instead of this annoying ass beep that assured me she was alive.
But I shock it off to find 67 unread messages from the team. I told everyone to go home last night except for Alexis.
Well that's not entirely true. I TRIED TO tell Alexis to go home but I guess it didn't work considering that she is now sound asleep across the room with her face shoved into Mal's neck.
I'm not sure when they got so close, or why but I decided I'd ask about it later  as I took a picture and sent it to everyone to raise their sprits. Of course Syd was the first to reply.
Syd: Hell yeah Lex! Her looks aren't the only thing she got from Kling
HAO: Jesus Syd they are just kids.
Pinoe: So? 👀
Syd: thank you Pinoe! Someone's on my side
Pinoe : of course I am they are fucking adorable and do you know what? 🤔
Abby: oh no 🙄
Alex: what?
Pinoe: I SHIP IT!!!!!
Abby: fuck Solo now you got her started
Hope: My bad! 😬
Syd: OMG think of all the cute shipnames they can have like Mex
Pinoe: or Aal
Alex: Mex sounds better
Amy: yeah 👍
Abby: are you guys seriously encouraging this? Heather do you she this?????
HAO: I mean they are kind of cute
Abby: you guys are ridiculous it's never gonna happen!
Pinoe: Why you gotta crash my ship though? 😢
I took that as my cue to put the phone down as I laughed it off and  stared at the two completely unaware of the war  they just started.
Something caught my attention though as Meghan's arm began to move from under mine  slowly as if she was trying to get comfortable in the crappy excuse for the bed.
Please wake up baby. Please!
I whispered without really meaning to as I moved closer to the bed. But my encouragement must have fell short because within a few seconds she was as stiff as a board.
My eyes flicked up to the heart monitor just as they did a thousand other times that hour. And I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I listened to the steady beeping.
I don't know if you can hear me or if you want to. But I need you to wake up. I need you in my arms. I need you to be ok. I need you to be here... For me.
*An hour later*
I leaned back in my chair as I waited for Alexis and Mallory to return. I had told well forced both of them to go home and take hot showers as long as I promised I would do the same.
  I convinced myself that I needed to think about something else so I settled on watching a movie on my phone. I scrolled past nearly all of my favorites after realizing that something like The Fault In Our Stars would not make me any happier  and picked  Look Who's Talking.  I was just about to start the movie when I heard a small knock on the door as it creaked open.
"Hey Moe! How are you?" I practically yelled as I got up to hug her knowing she probably needed it more than I did. After all  all Kling was her best friend how could she not be upset?
"I've been better. How is she?"
She asked as she slowly made her way to the bed.
"Better the doctors say she should be up soon. She may have lost some of her memory though."
"Nothing big just small stuff like the days of the week or how to count to 20. Everything should come back relatively quickly." Calls a small voice from behind us as the doctor stepped into the room. "Ms. Solo can I talk to you please?"
"Um yes of course! Moe I'll be right back" I replied as i stepped out of the room.
I wish I could tell you what happened but I have no idea. I was way to busy watching Morgan through the glass. It looked like she was praying or maybe she was talking I really couldn't tell. The only thing I could make out was "sorry" and I don't mean like
"Oh I'm sorry this happened to you".
I mean like just sorry over and over like she did it.
I wanted to talk to her to tell her that it wasn't her fault and that there was nothing to be ashamed of. But by the time the doctor was finished talking she was done and was half way out the door.
What the hell is wrong with her?
Hey guys sorry this chapter is really long. But I really wanted to get everything out. So let me know what you guys think!

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