Chapter ten: Well?

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Later I tried to get out of bed and stretch,  but I colapsed in pain.  It felt like I was dying.  I wanted to move about, not stay in bed.  I love moving, not being a couch potatoe.  That would be bad for my health,  I would blow up like a balloon.  And that is not exactly what I want to look like.  I can't imagion that would feel to good either.  Oh well,  I wasn't going to be a gigantic balloon.  Never,  I would get well, nothing could keep me away from defeating these..... what ever they are, people, aliens, dogs. 

I fell back to sleep.  A  long, dark, dreamless sleep.  Nothing happened, no nightmares, nothing.  It was probally the best sleep I had all week.   No one woke me up, or disturbed me.  when I woke up I felt refreshed. 

Jake was at the end of my bed,  just sitting there.  In dog form,  he was all cuddled up next to my feet.  When he saw I was awake he went back to his human form.  I felt thirsty,  I looked to the table next to my bed and there was a glass of mucky, yellowish, liquid.  I reached out for it, but Jake beat me.  he handed it to me.  

It tasted fine,  it wasn't great, but it didn't taste like crap either.  If it was going to make me better I was all for it.  I needed to get back to the mission, we were loseing pressious time, and we needed that time.  We needed every bit of that time.

"So are you guys working on the mission?" I was curious to know who was in charge while I was in bed.

"Well,  we are doing a back round check on this Cassandra lady.  We have found quite a bit on a lady that seems to fit all of the info you gave us.  It is not that fun.  We are sitting on a computer hacking in to government files, or just researching the stuff.  It's quite boring acctully."  He added the last part in.  He wanted to make me feel better.  It was not working,  as much as I loved him, I was hurt and they were working on the mission with out me.  That is what was making me sad, i wanted to be in the mission too.  But I was in this stupid bed,  I hate this stupid bed.  I want to chop it up in to itty bitty little pieces and scatter them every where, so they can't keep me in a bed. 

But that is a little extreme, and my body aches to much to carry though with that action so I won't.

When Jake left I started thinking back to my dream.  They were going to kill, or take Austine,  I couldn't let that happen.  I just couldn't, she was my owner,  I loved her.  They couldn't take it,  she couldn't be gone.  I would be..... not together.  She was the reason that I had a family.  

I bolted up, I must tell Flory.  She can save her, she needs to save her.  Cassandra needs to be stoped, she can not get ahold of Austine.  I have no idea what she would do.  She could kill her, she would torcher her, imposternate her, or what ever that word is. 

Later when Flory was coming in, I told her what they where going to do to Austine.  She smiled,  SHE SMILED.   She was actully smiling.  I swear.  I reached up and tore at her face, it peeled off.  Olive. The little bum, she, where, what?! 

The real Flory walked in.  She dropped my soup and water and her jaw dropped. 

"WHAT IS THIS,  WHY IS SHE HERE."  She yelled like Olive was vermin.   I could see why she is so spitefull.  People are so mean to her, I shruged.  I was slipping to sleep again.

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