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I took Scott's advice and went to a club a few blocks away. I was worried about him; he'd rather stay at home, holed up in his room like a stubborn teenager, angry at the world, than come out and distract himself. That wasn't the real Scott. The real Scott was a social butterfly, and extrovert who hated his own company, and much preferred going out and drinking with his mates.

Ugh, kill me. I just said 'mates'...

I texted my friend Lia:

Hey hon. Wanna come party with the queen??? xxx ~ M

Depends. Is the queen drinking??? x ~ L

Uh, only ALWAYS. ~ M

Then only HELL YES. B there in 5 x ~ L

I grinned and ordered two vodka shots, which I downed. I was gonna get wasted.

"Babes!" Lia waved at me, looking gorgeous as ever. "Hey hon," she took the shot I was holding out for her. "Mmmm, what are we toasting?"

"Scotty's momma has cancer." I told her, suddenly sobering up for a second. "The poor baby's locked himself in his room."

"Awe, honey," Lia rubbed my back. "That must be hard for you too. Where you close to her?"

"Yes, I am." I growled and she looked like I'd slapped her. "Sorry, babes. I guess, I'm just stressed."

"Hey, you know what relieves stress?" She snapped her fingers at the bartender. "Alcohol..." She sang, handing me my fourth vodka shot, grinning widely. We downed the tiny amount of intense alcohol, buzzing off the energy.

"Hey, honey?" Lia screamed over the overwhelmingly loud music. "I'm just going to the little girls' room, be back in a few. And don't get in any mess, sweetie," I raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at her.

"I know you, Mitch." She said seriously. "And you're a slut when you're drunk, hon. Hey, I'm just telling the truth!" She laughed as I slapped her arm, pushing her towards the bathroom and ordering a cocktail. Damn, that bartender was hot. Not like Scotty hot, but...edible. I dug in the tight pocket of my skinnies for some change before a hand appeared on the small of my back.

"I'll pay, babe." But that wasn't Scott's voice. I spun round quicker than you could say 'paranoid', only to see my ex boyfriend.

"Hey, Travis." I said coldly. "Taken, remember?"

"Damn, babe," He smirked. "I thought you had a better memory. I'm single," He leaned in close to my ear, his breath disgustingly moist and warm. "And, uh, ready to mingle." I scowled at his arrogant smirk, but secretly smirking at his darkened eyes. I could directly see the list filling them, and it was kinda creepy. I stepped back from him.

"Anyway, how've you been? You're looking...well." I commented somewhat reluctantly.

"And you're looking fuckable," Romantic, am I right? "Wanna slip away? Y'know," He took my hand in his clammy palms. "For old times' sake?"

"No!" I snatched my hand out of his grasp, spotting Lia walking back, eyes widened. I grabbed her and lead her to the exit. "Come on, babe. We're leaving."


Yikes! It's so near to the end! What's gonna happen? I'm so excited to finish this! I'm not so excited to edit it all, cause I was thinking I would put the chapters in pairs so there was more than 500 words per chapter.

Let me know if that's a good idea

Stay #fcute xxx

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