Chapter 5

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“Hey Holliepop,” He smiled at me one day at work “I was wondering…do you maybe want to go to this dance thing? It’s for a church thing.” “I’d love to Coltiebear.” I smiled. We had nicknames for each other. It was more like a brotherly/sisterly thing. “Great Sky will probably take you shopping tonight.” He laughed. I did too. I didn’t have many clothes left from what I packed all those months ago, especially not anything that would be suitable for a dance so Schyler and I would be shopping buddies.

                After work Colton and I arrived back home to Schyler. “Hey Hollie, Colton said I need to take you shopping.” She giggled. I nodded “I'm excited.” “Me too. Let’s get going!” she smiled taking my hand and driving me to the mall. It was different from our other shopping trips. “So Hollie Colton asked you to the dance that’s like huge for him I don’t think you know that.” She smiled. “Really? I was so excited when he asked me. I’ve never been to a real dance before that I could enjoy.” I smiled. It was true I had to either be running away from him or just being tortured at dances by other girls. “Well I'm glad. This one’s a Halloween Masquerade dance it’s sooo much fun!” Schyler said excitedly “So you’re going too?” I smiled. She nodded.

We went shopping at this vintage masquerade shop called “Behind the Mask” which sold dresses and masks. I finally was sold on this purple and pink sparkle dress. “It’s perfect.” I said with a smile “Peh-fect? That is too adorable.” Schyler giggled loving my accent. She and Colton seemed to find certain words I said entertaining apparently. Schyler’s dress was fiery red and it was so beautiful on her. “Wow I love your dress Schyler” “Aww thanks Hollie I love yours too. We’re going to have so much fun at the ball just wait and see.” She smiled as we bought our dresses and matching masks. “We have one more stop after this.” She smiled. “What’s that for?” I smiled back “Colton’s birthday.”

                Colton’s birthday. I had to get him something special. I couldn’t explain why I felt like I had to but I did. “Where’s the Batman store?” I asked. Schyler giggled a bit “You know him too well. I know Hot Topic sells a lot of Batman things go there and just buy him whatever you want. Mom and Dad told me what to get him so I’ll meet you in Hot Topic okay?” she smiled. I nodded a little nervous to be alone.

                I walked into Hot Topic and found this adorable Batman jacket that I hadn’t see Colton wear before. I bought it for him with no problem. Of course I never used my credit card. Only cash. He could track me based on my credit cards so I decided it was best not to use them. I browsed around and saw these sexy looking Batman Corset and underwear. I laughed a bit at it wondering if I was with Colton one day if I should buy it for the future. I quickly grabbed it and went online to buy feeling awkward if Schyler walked in. Which of course she did. I laughed a bit.

                “Oh my gosh Hollie.” She laughed at what I bought for myself. I shrugged a bit “I thought it was cute.” “Mhmm sure you did.” She smirked at me we bought Colton’s present then headed home. “Hey girls how was shopping.” He smiled. “Great.” I smiled. “I'm glad. I knew you guys would have fun together.” He smiled as we walked inside. I nodded “We sure did. I can’t wait for Halloween.” My heart raced a little more than usual around him. Could I really be falling for him as scared as I was to? I knew it wouldn’t last because if he ever found me I don’t know what I’d do.

                That night he stayed with me again but this time my heart was racing when he held me near. Maybe I had fallen when I swore off love forever, knowing I’ve always been burned by anyone who I let in. “Hey are you alright?” he asked “Never better.” I lied. My feelings for him were so conflicting. He was just everything I had hoped someone would be to me and more should I really risk a rejection or even letting someone in again? Last time I did he stalked me and I wound up running away from him. Colton would never do that but there was still that fear in my mind.

                “Hollie….” He began. “Yes?” my heart raced even more in anticipation. “I can’t believe I'm saying this but I think I’ve fallen for you.” He said quietly looking down at the floor. “Colton. I’ve fallen for you too.” I said glad to know rejection wasn’t in my future. He pushed up my chin and stroked my face “You are so beautiful and perfect in every way. You know that? Don’t you ever let anyone tell you otherwise. If anyone dares to hurt you they will pay.” He said in full protective mode. Tears streamed down my face in gratitude. It was probably the first time I honestly believed someone loved me.

                He slowly kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back my heart was pounding loudly. He stroked away my tears and stroked my hair. “You’re safe Hollie.” “I know…you’re the only person I feel like I can trust….” He smiled “I'm glad Holliepop. There’s something I need to show you tomorrow.” He smiled. “Okay.” I smiled wondering what in the world he had planned then again he was full of surprises.

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