Chapter 9

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Colton saw red. I had a feeling that was Baylie’s brother who had abused her so much. “That’s him isn’t it?” I sighed getting upset as well. “That definitely was him Hollie! I can’t believe he did THAT to you and Baylie. He’s going to have hell to pay if he ever finds you!” Colton said angrily. “Colton…don’t okay he’s dangerous. You haven’t even heard half the stuff he did to me.” I sighed “I bet it’s exactly like Baylie’s story. What did he do next Hollie?” he said sounding frustrated. I began to tell the story again

                From that moment on I had hated Christmas. The holiday is fine but Christmas was like his annual day to torture me once he moved by me. I’ll get to that soon enough. The rest of the week I tried to avoid him. I ran away from my house the night we were home alone again on New Year’s Eve, scared he’d try and sleep with me again. “HOLLIE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING!” He yelled out into the street as I ran tears streaming down my face. I hit into a girl who looked about a year younger than me “Hey…are you alright?” she asked in a very heavy southern drawl. “No….There’s a guy after me…he’s done some pretty awful crap to me.” I whispered shaking. “Come on in my house…My parents are home they’ll make sure he won’t get you.” The girl said as she took my hand and walked with me to her house.

“Thanks.” I said still shaking “No problem…what’s your name?” she asked “Hollie, Hollie Cavanagh.” I said. “I'm Skylar Laine. I'm new to the area. Who’s the creep after you anyway?” “He’s a friend I made on vacation who came to visit. He became horrible to me now…he even raped me.” I sighed confessing to Skylar who shook her head. “We’re at my house alone and I just panicked.” I sighed. “Listen just stay here until your parents get back.” She told me. I was grateful for Skylar that night and for many other nights. She had become one of my best friends. Of course that night was his family’s last night in Texas and I was glad. He couldn’t hurt me physically anymore. I was all bruised up from anytime he could get me alone.

                Once his family left things calmed down for me. Skylar came over frequently and soon discovered my darkest secret, the scars. “Hollie…you shouldn’t do that.” She sighed looking at my arm. “I can’t help it….The pain I’ve gone through just sometimes is a little much for me.” I sighed. “Look….I don’t want to seem like I'm trying to make you feel bad or anything but I think you need to go to someone to help you with this stuff you’re dealing with so maybe you won’t have urges.” She sighed. “NO! I'm not crazy Skylar I don’t need a therapist.” I defended. “Hollie I didn’t say you were crazy. People go for therapy for different reasons just please goes….” Her pleading made her eyes fill with tears. She cared so much about me which now I kind of regret not listening to her but I didn’t. I got better about cutting though for a while.

                Quite a few years went by. I still got those phone calls but I dealt with them. My family did not invite his back after I had said that he was the reason I had bruises. My family didn’t ask questions they just listened and were sure they wouldn’t come back. I didn’t have to worry about him much anymore except for the occasional phone calls belittling me but Skylar tended to take those over once I started crying and he backed off. Skylar had that way about her.

                Soon I had graduated high school. I stopped my bad habits for a while that is. Until he came back. “Miss me.” He smirked at my graduation. I was shaken. “Wh-What are you doing here.” “We’re both graduated baby. You’re living with me now oh and by the way if anyone asks you’re my girlfriend.” He smirked. Fear went across my face. I begged my parents to let me continue to live with them but they said I needed time to grow up on my own and that Aaron and Luke had done it before and that I was welcome to come back but I needed to broaden my horizons. Another problem I fell into was Skylar leaving. She moved back home to Mississippi after graduation. I wish she would’ve taken me but she didn’t. Of course all I was left with was him…

                My graduation present was a kick into the street and into his creepy arms. So that’s where I remained abused daily, raped weekly, and of course belittled as much as a human could possibly stand every day of my life. If he was in a good mood some days he left me alone. I prayed for those days. He laughed at my praying saying God never believed in me why should I believe in him. I believed him of course because he said so many truths about me.

                When Skylar came to visit she told me I had to escape. “I don’t know how Sky.” I sobbed. I couldn’t deal with him much more it was killing me. “Fly anywhere in the world. Get on the first plane that comes here Hollie. He’ll never find you and that’s a guarantee.” She had told me as I drove her to the airport. When I took her I bought a ticket for myself to leave him. And that’s how I got to Nashville now.

                I sighed of relief after finishing my story. What a release it had on me for someone to finally know everything. He hugged me tightly after “He’s not going to find you Skylar is right…You should tell her you’re okay...” he smiled. I nodded “Can I use your phone?” I asked. He nodded and gave me his phone. I had memorized Skylar’s number by heart and called it. I had left my phone behind so he could never find me with GPS tracking. “Hello?” I heard her southern drawl and I teared up “Skylar it’s Hollie.” I smiled “HOLLIE OH MY GOSH YOU’RE OKAY.” She screamed so happy. I nodded “I'm fine now Sky you’re right he’s never going to find me.” “Are you in England?” she smiled “No…Somewhere safe that’s all I can tell you Sky. I know he’ll try to find me otherwise.” I sighed. She nodded “I get it Hollie. I'm glad you’re okay who’s phone did you call me on?” she laughed “My boyfriend’s he’s great Sky. I know you’d love him.” I smiled. “I'm sure I would. I'm glad you’re okay.” She told me. “Me too…It was nice to talk to you.” I smiled “You too Hollie. Keep in touch okay?” “Of course goodbye.”  “Bye.” I hung up feeling the best I ever did.

                Colton hugged me “I'm glad Skylar knows you’re safe.” “I am too.” I smiled. For once in my life I felt the safest I ever felt. He could never find me. I knew it. If he somehow did it would be by some miracle.

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