Chapter 11

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The Halloween Dance came upon us and we prepared to get ready. “Oh my gosh Hollie you already look stunning.” Colton smiled at me. I was only in about half my dress I let him in thought to see me. “No I really don’t.” I sighed looking in the mirror hearing the words of his terribleness ring in my ear. “Boobless and shapeless. I had a feeling you were like that.”  “Holl…Yes you do and he’s so wrong about you, you know. Not every girl can just turn me on.” He said. That was something Colton never said. Most guys were turned on by a hot girl not some ugly girl like me. “I can’t believe you said that.” I giggled a bit “Just so you know it’s a first to have to try and restrain myself. Now I know why people have trouble abstaining.” He smirked at me. I kissed him “You really know how to make me feel better you know that.” “Hollie it’s literally the truth.” He smiled as I put the dress over the Batman corset I had bought a while ago.  “I bought that just for you, you know.”  I winked at him. “Oh I know.” He laughed kissing me again. We kissed more and more passionately and he put me against the wall “My gosh Colt you’ve never done this. I like it.” I giggled. “I do too Holliepop but I better stop...” he sighed. I understood it was getting pretty steamy already.

                We headed down for the masquerade. Colton of course had a Batman mask what else was new. It was a fun party until….there he was….Michael. “Colt…he didn’t leave.” I whined seeing him and pointing it out to Colton. “Hollie you have no idea how sorry I am…” he sighed as he held me close “He’s not going to get you.” I nodded as fear began to take me over. I just had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well for one of us.

                “Stay strong Hollie…you did it all last week…I know you were safe but it’s going to be okay.” I told myself, hands shaking. “Holl what’s wrong?” Schyler asked. “He’s still here.” I sighed. Schyler looked over and instantly recognized him “Oh my gosh that’s Baylie’s brother! I remember he was awful to her…he always told her no one would care if she disappeared one day. Another time she seemed so happy when she and Colton headed to see Faith Hill, he brother kindly tore up her ticket so Colton only had one. Of course my kind brother let her just go but Baylie was in tears over it. He’s just awful Hollie; I can’t believe he hurt you too.”   I sighed “Poor girl…”

                “Okay we’re calling you Haley now because Haley is close enough to Hollie.” Schyler smiled since that’s what she and Colton had come up with.  “Okay…” I said uneasily as Schyler and I headed back. “Hollie please get the fear look off your face it’s going to be okay.” Colton whispered to me. I shook my head. They didn’t know he could easily see it was me.  In a way I was kind of glad it was a masquerade. He would have a harder time finding me with a mask and a change of hair color.

                All night long I saw him go from girl to girl looking for me. “I know you’re here.” He mumbled “Your idiot boyfriend and best friend might not have ratted you out but I know you Hollie you’re here.” My heart sank the fewer and fewer girls that were left.  He even checked to see if Schyler was me which worried me. I didn’t want anything to happen to her.  “Haley I'm fine.” She said playing along with the name thing. “I'm sorry I just worried when I saw him pulling the mask off.” I sighed. “Don’t worry he’s been doing that to everyone.” She shrugged. Soon there was no one left but me.  “Miss, Can I check under your mask.” He said in a faux polite tone. I put on my best American accent “I'm sorry but I'm a little self-conscious on my looks. I don’t have a pretty face or anything.” “I doubt that.” He said in a polite tone. “Trust me it’s the truth.” I said trying my best not to cringe or look too suspicious. He lifted up my mask anyway. “HOLLIE! I knew it was you!” he smirked.

                Tears streamed down my face “Please….just leave me alone Michael….there’s nothing I have left that you can take from me.” “Bullshit Hollie. You took off from me and now you’re gonna pay you little whore. You got yourself a little boyfriend being away.” He cackled smacking me hard. “STOP PLEASE JUST STOP.” I screamed loudly hoping someone would hear me. I heard someone behind Michael punch him upward to his face and he fell to the ground. “LET HER GO!” I turned around seeing Colton there.

“Colton…Don’t.” I sobbed. Michael laughed right at him as he got back up “You couldn’t save Baylie. What makes you think you can save Hollie. Face it Colton you’re going to lose her too once I'm done with her then you’ll be all alone. Woe is me.” Colton has fire in his eyes more than I had ever seen before. “YOU’RE NOT TAKING HOLLIE AWAY YOU CRUEL ANIMAL. WHAT YOU DID TO BAYLIE WAS THE WORST THING I’VE EVER SEEN A PERSON DO. I DON’T EVEN CONSIDER YOU ONE ANYMORE. IF ANYONE DESERVED TO DIE IT WAS YOU. ALL YOU’VE EVER DONE IS TORTURE THEM. THEY DESERVE TO BE FREE OF YOU.” Colton said pushing Michael off the ledge of the building. He fell down to the ground with a splat.

                “Is he???” I asked praying Colton hadn’t just murdered him. Of course he deserved to die more than anyone I’ve ever known but Colton should not have to suffer jail time for it. Colton was shaking “I-I-I don’t know.” He said his voice breaking. Schyler rushed over “What happened?” Colton and I kept our mouths shut until we knew if he was alive or not. The police and ambulance shortly arrived after everyone had heard the splat. Everyone was questioned on what happened. I wanted to tell the truth but I was so scared to “Is he alive?” I asked looking scared for my life. “No Ma’am…he died after the fall.”  A part of me felt like celebrating knowing my torture was over. He was gone. He could never harm me again but I was terrified for Colton. So in panic I did what I had to do. “Officer….I pushed him off the ledge in self-defense.” I said as honestly as I could.

                “Miss Cavanagh, you’re coming with us.”  They had said to me taking me in the patrol car. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HOLLIE!!!?” Colton said getting emotional “What is right Colton…” I said my heart bursting into tears as well. Schyler looked in shock that I had done it but she knew he’d tortured me. The entire ride to the police station all I could think about was how to make the story believable. I knew it would be a hard task, I might even go to prison for a while but I had to save Colton. He’d saved me so I had to save him.

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