Chapter 13

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Schyler was my next witness to head to the stands “Even though I did not witness Hollie actually pushing him out the window I was at the party and did witness Hollie’s behavior. Hollie was terrified from the moment she saw Michael had shown up at the party. Everytime he checked a mask, she flinched wondering if she would be next and if he would get away with her this time. I did hear her screaming for help when he tried to drag her off. My brother, Colton quickly rushed up to her aid and helped her have a fighting chance with him. I did hear yelling and I instantly recognized it as Hollie’s voice. I did not hear much afterwards but the splat sound of Michael falling to the ground. I then did hear Hollie ask if he was dead in a fearful voice. Colton told her he wasn’t sure. They soon rushed down and I asked what happened and neither told me.” She said giving all the information she had. 

I smiled at her. Schyler knew she had head Colton’s voice but we told her to adjust it to be mine in the story. I was then called upon to the stand to talk about it. Great. “This has probably got to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, getting everything that occurred to me out in the public eye. Some of you probably think I'm making everything up. I'm not. I wish my life was nowhere near as awful as it had been. What exactly could I possibly gain from making up stories that I was abused? Sympathy? I never told anyone about what had occurred to me.  Only people who had known me my whole life knew about it. People who I knew I could trust when things got rough. Colton was one of those few people I knew I could trust. He had to tell my story before just to get the point across of why I had done it. I ran off from Michael when I drove one of my closest friends to the airport after she had visited me in McKinney. When I first moved in with Colton I was terrified of Michael ever finding me. When he actually found me I panicked. He tried to take me away and take me home with him because he wanted to kill me. I wasn’t even sure if he was really taking me home or taking me to kill me. Anyway Colton saved me from that and just finished the job. I pushed him off just to defend myself from possibly dying. I had no intentions of killing him I just wanted to get him away from me. Do I regret it? Yes. I never wanted him to die no matter what he had done to me in the past. I had to save myself.” I sighed as they let me take my seat. The jury was then called in to either convict me or set me free.

I held my breath. It didn’t take long for the jury to make a decision. “Have the jury come to a unanimous decision?” said the judge. The juror nodded “We find Hollie Jessica Cavanagh not guilty of vengeful murder but in fact as self-defense. She made it blatantly obvious she did not mean to kill him and most of us have known him in real life so we can understand why she would do a such thing.” The juror said. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was free. They took off my tracker. I was no longer under house arrest and nothing ever happened to Colton which was the only thing I cared about. 

He held me close “You’re free baby.” He smiled. “Yes we’re free.” I smiled and hugged him. He kissed me on the lips and we walked out together “Anywhere you want to go baby?” he smiled at me. “No I'm exactly where I belong, with you Colton Dixon.” I said meaning every word. Even though I was free to leave of course I never wanted to go. Everything was so perfect now that Michael was gone. 

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