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A little while later, dad comes home with sacks of groceries, and in comes Kasey with him. "Hey Haylee! How's it going?" Kasey asks sitting next to me.

"It could be better." I say. "What did Elliott do?" Dad asks setting the groceries down. "Nothing really. It's just.." I say and I run my hands through my hair.

"It's just that I have so much pressure to become a NASCAR driver? You know? Like my dad is the Dale Earnhardt Jr! And everyone expects big things from me. I just don't know if I would stand a chance against y'all. I've never even driven a stock car." I say.

"Awe baby. I know what they're saying though. You are my only child, and I would love the racing legacy of this family to continue, but only if you want it to. It's your decision, and no one can make it for you." Dad says.

"I know when you were 16 you tried dirt racing..and if you ever decide on that, you got a spot on my team." Kasey smiles.

"Adding to the pressure here Kase". I chuckle. "Sorry." He smiles. "I know, this family has a lot of attention. And I'm sorry it puts you in this situation." Dad says giving me a hug.

"Thanks." I smile. "Y'all made me feel better."

"Hey Kasey, wanna stay for dinner?" Dad ask pulling steaks out of the sack. "I would, but I gotta get back to my garage. See y'all later." He smiles and walks out.

"Make me food, servant." I say and lay on the couch. "I am not a servant." Dad laughs. "Okay. Whatever you wanna say." I laugh.

"Is Chase comin back? Or did you scare him off?" Dad asks marinating the steaks. "I don't know. I said he could come back today or tomorrow. He pushed a button, ya know?" I say grabbing a bag of potato chips.

"No. Gonna spoil dinner." Dad says grabbing the bag out of my hand. "Ugh."

"Why don't you ask him if he wants to come back for dinner?" "Fine."

To: Chase ☺🏁
You comin back tonight? Dads makin steaks.

From: Chase ☺🏁
I would, but I'm kinda occupied right now. 😕

To: Chase ☺🏁

From: Chase ☺🏁
I'm with Blaney at the moment. We are at some fishing store. I have no idea why.

To: Chase ☺🏁
Oh. Alrighty! See you tomorrow then.

From: Chase ☺🏁
See ya tomorrow Hay. (:

"Chase isn't coming." I say sitting at the table and dads serving the steak and baked potato.

"Okay." Dad says as I take a bite of the steak. "He's really missing out. This is freaking amazing." I say, loving the food. "Thank you! Means a lot coming from my number one critic!" He laughs

"Oh God." I say rolling my eyes.

After about 4 hours of talking, dad and I decided to go to bed because he has to get up early for a practice then the race tomorrow.

I lay in bed, and check my phone. I see a notification from Chase. I slide the notification and it takes me to Facebook.

Chase Elliott tagged you in a post.
I see its one of those posts you have to answer questions for. Ugh. People still do those? I read Chase's, and apparently since I was tagged, I have to do it too.
Full Name: William (Chase) Clyde Elliott II
Age: 19
Been in love: Yes, I believe so.
Best guy friend: @RyanBlaney
Best girl friend: @HayleeEarnhardt
Dating: No
Have a crush: Yes
Favorite memory: When @HayleeEarnhardt and I were little we went fishing and she caught a big fish and was reeling it in and totally fell on her ass! 😂😂😂
Have a job: Well yeah, I mean, NASCAR is a job.
Confession: I really like this girl and I don't know if I am ever going to be able to tell her.

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