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I wake up and my stomach is growling.

I glance at the clock and it says "5:43 am"

I roll back over and throw the blanket over my head. My stomach growls even louder, so I know I have to go eat.

I get out of bed, and a body rolls over.

I jump a mile and look back at the bed with a flashlight.


"Oh my God get that light out of my face Hay" Chase groans putting a hand over his eyes.

I forgot all about him. Oh yeah. Ryan, Bubba, and Chase are here because dad isn't.

I laugh at his reaction and lower the flashlight.

"What are you doing up?" Chase yawns. "I need food." I laugh and Chase gets out of bed with me.

I look back to him and he is putting some pants on, because he is only in his boxers.

I still have my pajamas on, so I'm good.

I grab his hand and lead him to the kitchen.

As we get closer to the end of the stairs, Bubba and Ryan's snoring consume the house.

"My god they need to get that checked out." Chase laughs. "You snore too, so don't even."

"Yeah, but I'm sure my snoring is attractive, and not obnoxious like theirs." Chase smiles wrapping his arms around my waist.

"That's true." "So, what are you gonna eat?" He asks opening the fridge.

"A hot pocket. I guarantee that Ryan's gonna go to Waffle House. We will have him bring some back." I laugh.

"That's true. Can I have one?" "Why are you asking me? I wouldn't deny anyone food." I laugh.

"You're right. That would make the world a cruel place." "Ham and cheese, pepperoni, or plain cheese?"

"Pepperoni." Chase says. I make the hot pockets, and we finish eating and go back to bed.

We both wake up a few hours later to Ryan screaming "I have food peasants!!" Chase and I laugh and head downstairs.

Ryan and Bubba have 5 bags of takeout from Waffle House.

"This kid is obsessed with this place." Chase laughs.

"Almost as bad as your obsession with Haylee here." Ryan says and nudges Chase.

"This is not an obsession." I laugh. "More like dedication." Chase says cutely.

"Shut up you creep." I smirk. "I was only trying to be nice and loving." He says raising his eyebrows playfully.

"Okay okay you two." Bubba smirks.

I get out dishes and all that and we start eating.

My phone rings and I groan.

"Daddy o?" Ryan asks. "Yes." I say.

I answer it, and say "hey dad, it's on speaker! You are now talking to me, Chase, Ryan, and Bubba." I laugh.

"You have your boyfriend there too?" Dad asks. "Yes." "You aren't having sex are you?!" Dad yells.

"Dad oh my God." I laugh. "Sir, they are having sex every second of the day. I don't think we have seen their face since last night." Ryan smirks.

"Don't listen to him, he is full of shit." I say and smack Ryan. "Ow."

"It sounds like y'all are having fun." Dad laughs. "We are." Bubba laughs.

"What have you been up to?" I ask.

"The boys and I have caught a lot of fish. We are having a BBQ tonight. Wish you could be here Hay!" Dad says.

"Me too, but I would rather be here and wreck the town with my boys." I chuckle.

"Well have fun with that." Dad laughs and he hangs up.

"Well okay then." Chase laughs

"When are we gonna wreck the town Hay?" Ryan asks. "Eh, probably later or tomorrow. I don't feel like moving. I feel like I ate the whole Waffle House." I laugh.

"I could eat more." Ryan says. "Of course you say that."

"What's that supposed to mean? You calling me fat?" Ryan asks standing up. "Oh no. You have released the wild Blaney." Bubba says.

"Ooh so scared." I laugh, egging him on. "Haylee, he looks like he could rip your head off" Chase points out.

"I would like to see him try." I say and Ryan comes over to me and pulls me out of the chair and we start wrestling in the kitchen.

"$50 bucks Ryan." Bubba says. "You're on." Chase bets.

20 minutes go by and I get off the floor, and Ryan lays there

"50 bucks." Chase says looking over to Bubba. "Did you bet on us?" I ask.

"Yeah. And I won." Chase smiles and Bubba gets out 50 dollars, unwillingly.

"Why couldn't you beat her?" Bubba asks Ryan helping him off the floor.

"Because she just kicked my ass." Ryan says getting up and brushing off his pants.

"I won fair and square Blaney."

"Damn if she races the way she wrestles, I don't wanna be stuck in front of her." Ryan laughs.

"I'm coming for all y'all." I laugh.

HEY GUYS! sorry it's been so long, but this is a filler chapter for more to come!

So if it sucks, that's why 😂

Thanks y'all for the reads, votes, and comments!

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