(3) Trust Elevators

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Ava's Pov

We sit down on the couch and I stare at him.

"What?" Kian asks

"Why did you tell me that last night?" I ask

"Tell you what?" Kian asks

"How you don't trust everyone and people like me you don't trust." I say

"Oh that thing. It wasn't meant towards you, I was just telling you it." Kian says

"Then why did you say people like me?" I ask

"Like people I only met recently." Kian says

"So you trust me?" I ask

"Yeah, I mean Ava you know where I live." Kian says

"True." I say

"And you also have my phone number." Kian says

"Okay I understand now." I say

"Good." Kian smiles

We hug each other.

"Also I wanted to ask you something." Kian says

"What is it?" I ask

"Will you go on a date with me?" Kian asks

"No." I say

"Why not?"  Kian asks

"Not this again. Kian I told you I don't want to date you!" I yell

"What! I thought if Jc was taken then you would date me." Kian says

"Kian, I don't want to date you. It will ruin our friendship." I say

"No it won't." Kian says

"Look Kian, I have to go but I'll call you later." I say

"Fine." Kian says

I walk out of the apartment and walk down the hallway. Emma swings open her door and stares at me.

"What?" I ask

"We need to talk." Emma says

I walk into Naya and her's apartment.

"What's up?" I ask

"I have a crush on Jc." Emma says

"Wait what?" I ask

"I like Jc but you can't tell Maddie." Emma says

"Okay I won't." I say

"You can't tell Jc either." Emma says

"Okay but what happens if I have to." I say

"What does that mean?" Emma asks

"Like what happens if he locks me in a room and forces me to tell him." I say

"That's crazy but I will forgive you." Emma says

"Okay." I smile

"Now go to sleep its late." Emma says

"Okay." I say

I walk out of her apartment and walk into mine.

I walk into my room and flop down on my bed.



Ava's Pov

I walk into my apartment and sit down on the couch.

"How was work?" Jacob asks

"It was okay." I say

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