(14) And It Begins

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Ava's Pov

Today I'm having Kian and Jc over to hang out with Kayla and I.

"So guys how's YouTube?" I ask

"It's going good." Jc says

"Yeah, we already have more than 2 million subscribers." Kian says

"Woah that's insane." Kayla says

"Well I'm proud of you guys." I smile

"Thanks." Jc and Kian both say

"How's your photographing and job going?" Kian asks

"Well I get a few weeks off of work since Alisha, my boss has to go to New York for a few. Also my photographing has been doing well. Speaking of that, Jc I have photos from the other day, do you want to see them?" I say

"Yeah sure." Jc says.

Jc and I both get up and go to my room.

Kian's Pov

When Jc and Ava left, that girl, what's her name? Oh yeah Karen or Kelly.

"So Kian how long have you known Ava?" Kelly or Karen asks

"Two and a half years but also.. um Kelly is it?" I ask

"It's Kayla." She says

KAYLA, I can't believe I called her Kelly?!?

"Okay well Kayla, how come you guys stopped talking?"  I ask

"I got busy with my life and she got busy with hers so we went our separate ways but we still talked once in a while, usually on each other's birthdays but that's it." Kayla says

"Oh." I say

"Hey Kian, can I tell you a secret?" Kayla asks

"Sure?" I say a bit confused

"Ava told me she likes you." Kayla says

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah." Kayla says

"What about Jc?" I ask

"She said Jc is just a friend to her." Kayla says

Kayla's Pov

So what if I lied to Kian, it's fun to have a little drama. Plus he is believing everything I'm saying which is great.

"Why are you telling me this?" Kian asks

"Because Ava told me she is too afraid to tell you herself." I lie

"Isn't she dating Matthew?" Kian asks

"Yeah but she is planning to break up with him so she could date you." I say

Ava and Jc walk back into the room.

"Is everything okay with you guys?" Ava asks

"Everything is perfect." I smile

Kian's Pov

"Ava, you look perfect today." I say

"Thanks." Ava smiles

Aww she's so cute. Okay what's going on here. She is dating Matthew. Should I believe Kayla?

I think, I should because she seems like she is telling the truth.


Ava's Pov

Kian and I went to get food well Jc and Kayla stayed back because they weren't hungry.

"I missed hanging out with you." Kian says

"I missed hanging out with you too." I say

Jc's Pov

Kian and Ava left me alone with Kim... I think that's her name.

"So Jc are you and Ava close?" She asks

"Yeah....K....." I say

"Kayla." She says

"Kayla, yeah I was about to say that." I say

"Yeah okay, anyways Ava told me something and I was wondering if you want to know?" Kayla asks

"Sure." I say

"She told me she likes you." Kayla says

"Are you serious?" I ask

"Yup, she is going to break up with Matthew soon, so she can be with you." Kayla says

"Wow, I can't believe it! I never thought she would finally admit that she likes me back." I say

"Well she does and I know she told me not to tell you but I really think you guys are gonna be a cute couple so that's why I'm telling you." Kayla says

"Thanks." I smile

"Anything to help a friend." She smiles


Ava's Pov

I walk back into the apartment with Kian to see Kayla and Jc are gone.

Oh well they'll be back.

"So Kian..." I start to say but the doorbell cuts me off

I walk to the door and open it to see Matthew.

"Omg hey babe!" I smile

I hug him and he gives me a kiss.

"Hey baby." Mathew says

"I missed you so much." I say

"Missed you too." Matthew smiles

Kian coughs awkwardly which causes Matthew and I to stop hugging and turn around to him.

"Well it was nice seeing you babe but I have to go bye." Matthew says

"Bye babe." I say

He walks out of my apartment and I shut the door behind him.

"So how about we film a YouTube video?" Kian asks

"Sure." I smile


It seems really cool to become friends with someone from the internet.
(Just as long as they are not a lowkey creep)

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