(6) Lies - Drew

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Ava's Pov

So today I had plans to take pictures for Justin, we just finished and now we're just in the car going to drop me off back at my place.

"Hey I was wondering do you want to walk the red carpet with me?" Justin asks

"Omg yes!!" I say

"Okay cool, it's in 4 days." Justin says

"What dress should I wear?" I ask

"I'll send over one." Justin says

"Oh really? Thanks." I smile

"And we're at your apartment; Thanks for taking pictures of me today." Justin smiles

"You're welcome see you later." I say

"Bye." Justin says

"Bye." I say


I walk into my apartment and go to the living room.

"Drew!!" I yell

"What?" Drew asks

"Justin asked me to walk the red carpet with him in 4 days." I say

"That's cool." Drew says

"I know!!" I say

"Well I'm gonna go over and talk to Kian see you later." Drew says

"See you." I smile

Drew gets up and walks out of the apartment.

Drew's Pov

I walk into Kian and Jc's apartment. I go to Kian's room and knock on the door.

"Come in." Kian says

"Sup dude." I say as I walk into his room

"Sup." Kian says

"Did Ava tell you yet?" I ask

"No, what is it?" Kian asks

"Justin invited her to walk the red carpet with in 4 days." I say

"That's cool but why?" Kian asks

"I don't know, let me call him." I say

"Okay." Kian says

I grab my phone from my pocket and call him.

"Hey dude." I say

"Hey what's up?" Justin says

"I wanted to know why did you invite Ava to walk the red carpet with her?" I ask

"Because she is a cool girl and we become good friends so I wanted to invite her." Justin says

"And you didn't invite me?" I joke

"Dude." Justin says

"I know, you literally invite me to everything so maybe it's good for you to take Ava." I say

"Yeah." Justin says

"Well I gotta go but I'll call you later." I say

"Bye." Justin says

I put my phone down and look at Kian.

"What did he say?" Kian asks

"He said because he wants to ask her out after it." I lie

Yeah I lied but it was for a good cause....that I can't say

"What! Ava is mine!" Kian says

"Dude if Ava is yours then maybe you should stall so she misses it." I say

"Okay thanks." Kian says

"No problem." I say


More updates coming soon!!

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