(10) Back At It Again Jc

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Ava's Pov

Maddie hasn't talked to me all morning, she went to her apartment late last night and now she won't answer her door or her phone.

Finally I get a call from her.

"Maddie where are you?" I ask

"Paris." Maddie says

"Wait what?" I ask

"Well last night after I left your apartment, I felt like I needed to get away so I'm at the airport right now about to board my plane to Paris." Maddie say

"How did you afford that?" I ask

"I have saved up money." Maddie says

"Well I guess have fun and I will miss you so much." I say

"I'll miss you too bye." Maddie says

"Bye." I say

Well I guess I know where she is now.

I walk back to my apartment but I'm stopped by Kian.

"Hey." Kian says

"Hey." I say

"Do you wanna go on a date with me?" Kian asks

"A date?" I ask

"Yes." Kian says

"You know what, yes I will." I smile

"Really?" Kian asks

"Yes." I say

"Omg!!!" Kian says

"Okay, I'm gonna go get ready and I'll meet you at your apartment in a few." I say

"Okay." Kian smiles

I walk into my apartment and close the door.


I knock on Kian and Jc's door. Jc opens it and smiles at me.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Jc asks

"I have a date with Kian." I say

"What? I thought you didn't want to date either of us?" Jc asks

"I did say that but now I changed my mind." I say

"Then go on a date with me also." Jc says

"Sorry you dated one of my best friends, girl code, can't date exes." I say

"That's not fair." Jc says

"Yes it is." I say

"No it's not." Jc says

"Yes it is." I say

"No it's not." Jc says

"Yes it is." I say

"No it's not." Jc says

"Yes it is." I say

"No it's not." Jc says

"Yes it is." I say

"No it's not." Jc says

"Jc, I can't deal with you right now." I say

I walk into the apartment and go to Kian's room. I open the door and smile him.

"Ready to go?" I ask

"Yes." Kian smiles

We walk out of his room and pass Jc, who is on the couch.

He scoffs as we walk by.

"Bye Jc." I say

"Bye." He bluntly says

"Bye." Kian says

We walk out of the apartment.


Kian and I are at dinner. We are actually have a great time.

I drop my napkin and I go to pick it up.

As I come up, I see Jc sitting at a table.

He's alone, sitting at a table, watching Kian and I, while he sips on ice tea.....

Back at it again Jc.

"Kian I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I say

"Okay." Kian says

I get up and walk to Jc's table. I sit down in front of him and he smiles at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Getting food." Jc lies

"Stop following Kian and I." I say

"I can't." Jc says

"Why?" I ask

"Because I'm obsessed with you." Jc says

"Okay that sounds creepy, please stop." I say

"Please date me." Jc says

"No." I say

"Please." Jc says

"Just leave." I say

He nods at me and I get up. I walk back to Kian and smile at him.

"Did you just talk to Jc?" Kian asks

"How'd you know?" I ask

"I turned around and saw him." Kian says

"Oh okay, I was just asking him why he followed us and that he should leave." I say

"Okay." Kian says


We walk through the hallway and stop by my door.

"I had fun tonight." Kian says

"I did too." I say

Instead of just hugging Kian, I kiss him.

"Woah didn't see that coming." He laughs

"See you later." I smile

I walk into my apartment and shut the door.

"Um excuse me when do you date and kiss Kian?" Jacob asks

"Since today." I say

"Okay but we need to talk now." Jacob says


Sorry I haven't updated in a while!!

Anyways more updates soon!!

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