(4) Cold Water - JB

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Ava's Pov

I sit at my desk and type up things. Suddenly my boss walks in.

"Hi Ava." Alisha says

"Hi Alisha." I say

"Justin Bieber is here for his interview." Alisha says

"Wait what?" I ask

"You have to go hang out with Justin for a few and interview him. After take him to lunch, then you can go home." Alisha says

"Okay." I say

Ew I don't want to!! He asked me, why don't I take pictures for him but he then tells me that he doesn't think I'm professional enough.

"Ava are you gonna go?" Alisha asks

"Oh, yes." I say

I get up from my desk and grab my papers.

I walk to the meeting room and sit down. I put my papers on the desk and wait for Justin to come in.

The door opens and Justin walks in.

"Hi I'm Ava." I say

"I know we already met." Justin says

"Wow didn't think you would remember." I say

"I would never forget a beautiful girl like you." Justin says

"Yeah okay, anyways let's get this interview over." I say

"But then we have lunch together." Justin smirks

"Yeah I know, I just want to go home so can we finish this." I say

"Okay." Justin says


The interview finished fast and now we are at lunch.

"Everyone is taking pictures of us." I say

"Don't pay attention to them." Justin says

"It's kinda hard to but whatever." I say

"Anyways why don't you like me?" Justin asks

"Cause you said I could take pictures for you then you turn me down since I'm not professional." I say

"Actually my people turned you down but I talked with them and they finally agreed, so I was wondering if you would want to do it?" Justin asks

"Sure." I say as I eat my salad

"Okay cool, it would probably be in 3 days." Justin says

"Okay."  I say


We both walk out of the restaurant.

"Did you call your driver?"  I ask

"No." Justin says

"Why not?"  I ask

"Can I go home with you?" Justin asks

"Um no." I say

"I'll hang out with Drew." Justin says

"Then okay." I say


We walk into my apartment.

"Drew!" I yell

"Hey." Drew says as he walks into the room.

"Hi." I say

"Hey bro." Justin says

They do that weird hug that every dude does.

"I'm gonna go change and then I'm going to hang out with Kian." I say

"Okay." Drew says

"Aww I wanted to hang out with you." Justin says

"Oh sorry." I say

I walk into my room and change to leggings, a white top that has an alien on it, and black high tops.

I walk out of my room and go to the front door.

I open it but stop when I see Kian.

"Hey." I say

"Hey, I was just gonna ask if we could hang out." Kian says

"Oh that's funny because I was gonna go see you." I say

"Oh." Kian smiles

"Hey why don't you guys stay?" Justin asks

"Um." I say

"Sure." Kian smiles

Great! I'm here with Justin, Kian, and Drew.

Thought I was gonna go out! Lucky Jacob, he has a girlfriend so he can go hang out with her and not be here, but I'm stuck here with all my single friends!


Haha no I enjoy not focusing on boys right now. I'd rather focus on my own life.


Right now I'm sitting here with 3 boys yelling at the TV because of their sports game.

I just play on my phone and roll my eyes every time they freak out over something.

Finally the game is over and the guys go on their phones.

"Hey Ava can we talk?" Drew asks

"Sure." I say

We get up and walk into the kitchen.

"What's up?" I ask

"Kian told me to tell you that he loves you." Drew says

"Seriously Drew! We're not in 5th grade anymore, he can just tell me himself." I say

I walk back into the living room and sit down next to Kian.

"You could just tell me yourself Sweetheart." I say

"Can you not call me that." Kian says

"Fine honeybuns." I say

"Ew." Kian says

"Deal with it." I say

"Okay bye you two love birds, Drew and I are gonna go to my place." Justin says

Drew and him both walk out of the apartment.

"Lovebirds?" I laugh

"Apparently so." Kian laughs



Also don't worry, Things are gonna happen with Jc soon. She can't just fall in love with Kian and have it end like that.....

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