(12) He's Back

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Ava's Pov

"What are you doing here Matthew." I ask

"I came back because I miss you." Matthew says

"While I don't miss you." I say

"Okay well I was joking, I don't miss you, I came to give you the stuff you left behind." Matthew says

"Why didn't you give me this stuff back earlier?" I ask

"Because I'm visiting my friends over here." Matthew says

"Okay thanks for the stuff, now bye." I say

"Wait, I just wanted to say you look really pretty today." Matthew says

"Thanks." I say

"Okay well, I was wondering if you would want to go to breakfast tomorrow?" Matthew asks

"Sure, we need to talk about everything." I say

"Yes we do." Matthew says

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow morning." I say

"Bye." Matthew says

He walks out of my apartment and I go to grab the box with all my stuff.

Why did I agree to go to breakfast with him? I guess it's because I still need answers about what happen.

I am over Matthew and I'm starting to have interest in someone else. Whatever I should just get it over with Matthew.

Anyways right now, I'm looking through the box.

Just a hairbrush, some clothes, and..... a envelope.

On top of the envelope was a poster that said:

This came after you left, idk who sent this and I figured you would want your mail.


Dear Ava,
Since you left, I've been missing you a lot! Every time we talk, I always want to tell you this but I just can't. I never thought I would feel this way, but I do. I wrote this letter because I needed to tell you this..I LOVE YOU! I know it sounds crazy, and I know you're like this AGAIN but I really needed to tell you this. I know other guys like you but I'm willing to fight for you. I love you and I hope you will feel the same.

Love, Someone


Who sent me this? I really want to know. It doesn't say the person's name anywhere and I'm bothered by that.

I go to my room and put the letter on my night stand. I get a text from Kian.

Kian- Are you coming? You said you would be here about an hour ago.

Me- SORRY!! I had to open an important letter, any ways it's kinda late so I'm gonna have to cancel. See you guys later.

Kian- Okay :(


I put my phone down and walk to my room. I change to comfy clothes and I take off my makeup.

After I go grab my phone from the counter and go back to my room.
As I'm about to go to bed, I get a text from Emma.


Me- Go with Naya

Emma- She is busy with her art

Me- Well I'm going to sleep


Me- It's late


Me- Yes it is.


I put my phone down and turn off my lights.

I then go to sleep....BUT suddenly my blankets are pulled off, I look up and see Emma.

"You are not going to sleep tonight!" Emma yells

She pulls me off the bed and tosses shoes at me.

I slip them on and grab my phone. She pulls me out of my apartment and to the elevator.

We go to ground level and then go out to her car. We get in her car and she starts to drive.

"First off, how did you get in my apartment?" I ask

"I took a key." Emma says

"Okay but why are we going to a sale right now?" I ask

"Because if you go early then you get the best things." Emma says

"Fine." I say

We get out of the car and walk into the store.

"Why did you take me out looking like this?" I ask

"Because you look beautiful and who cares what you look like." Emma says

"Whatever." I say

It's 3:00 in the morning and Emma is holding 5 bags of clothes and shoes!

"You literally went on a shopping spree." I say

"Yup." Emma smiles

We walk into our hallway and I stop by my door.

"Night." I say

"Goodnight." Emma says

I unlock my door and go in. I walk to my room and flop onto my bed. Ugh I'm so tired.



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