(19) Let's Go On A Trip

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Ava's Pov

Yesterday after I talked with Kian, we decided that we were fighting for stupid reasons and we should just be friends again.

Right now I'm in the kitchen eating a salad.

Drew walks into the apartment with Emma and Naya.

"Long time no see." I say to Naya and Emma

"I know right, we haven't talked in forever!" Emma yells

"So how have you been?" Naya asks

"Kayla came and stayed with her, Kayla told Kian and Jc that Ava loves them, Kayla kissed Matthew, Ava kicked out Kayla, Ava broke up with Matthew, and she told Kian and Jc that Kayla was lying. Then I came back." Drew says

"Wow." Naya says

"I know." I say

"That's crazy, I didn't think Kayla would be like that." Emma says

"Me neither, anyways how have you guys been?" I ask

"Art school has been going great but Dom and I broke up." Naya says

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." I say

"It's fine." Naya says

"So how are you Emma?" I ask

"I'm just chilling, I was bored the other day and found this place where you can design your own clothes, so I started to do it and I think I'm gonna go to school for fashion, also I think I'm gonna start my own clothing line." Emma says

"Wow that's great." I smile

The doorbell rings and Drew opens it to see Jc and Kian.

They walk in and stand next to me.

"Whats up guys?" I ask

"We have something important!! Meet us in our apartment in an hour!" Kian says

"Okay?" I say confused

"Just come." Kian says

He and Jc walk out leaving all of us confused.


It's been about an hour and now we are at Jc and Kian's apartment.

We all sit on the couch. The people who are here, are Jc, Kian, Dom, Naya, Emma, Jacob, Kylie, Drew, and me.

"Okay so guys we planned for all of us to go to the Hampton's for one month." Kian says

"Wow why?" I ask

"To have fun." Kian says

"Cool, when do we leave?" I ask

"Two days." Kian says

"Yay!" Emma smiles



So here we are in the Hamptons, at this gorgeous house!!

I have my own room to myself while everyone else have to share. Lucky me!!

Right now we all are at the beach. I'm tanning with the girls and the guys are all in the water.

"Hey does it bother you Naya that your ex is checking out other girls right in front of you?" Emma asks

"No." Naya says

"Oh." Emma says

"Dom can do whatever he wants." Naya says

"OkY well I'm gonna go buy ice cream." I say

"Have fun." Naya says

"Don't get lost." Kylie says

"I won't." I smile

I get up and walk to where they are selling the ice cream.

"What can I get you?" The guy working there asks

"Strawberry." I say

"Okay." He says

He scoops the ice cream and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I smile

I pay him and then start to walk back but I get bumped into which makes my ice cream fall on the floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." The guy who bumped me says

"It's fine." I say

"No I'm really sorry, I'll buy you another." He says

"No it's fine." I say

"Oh well then hi my name is Aaron." He smiles

"Hey my name is Ava." I smile back

"Well Ava, you seem really sweet, would you wanna go on a date with me?" He asks

"Sure." I smile

I give him my number and he gives me his.

We both hug and then walk away. I go back to the girls and smile.

"Guys!!! I have a date!" I yells

"With who?" Emma asks

"This hot guy, named Aaron who I just met." I say

"Omg congrats!" Kylie yells

"Why are you congratulating her?" Kian asks as he walks up to us.

"I'm going to on a date with a hot guy." I say

"Wait that doesn't make sense, you aren't going on a date with me." Kian says

"Kian! I'm going on a date with this guy named Aaron." I say

"Whatever." Kian says

"Just be happy for me." I say

"I'll try." Kian says


New Love Interest; will this mess make things worse between Ava's love triangle?


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