(16) Friends, boyfriends, and roommates

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Ava's Pov

Kayla left to get us breakfast since I didn't feel like making any.

I heard a knock on my door and I walk to the door. I open it and see Kian standing there with Jc.

"Let's talk." Kian says as he walks into my apartment.

Did I invite him in?

"Can I come in?" Jc asks

"Yeah." I say

I close the door and walk to the living room where Kian and Jc are sitting on the couch.

"So Kayla told us you were gonna break up with Matthew to date one of us." Kian says

"Um what!" I yell

"Yeah." Jc says

"Well that's not true, I'm gonna still date Matthew and I'm sorry but guys I don't have interest in either one of you." I say

"Well maybe you should tell your friend to stop lying to us." Kian says

"Well I don't appreciate you telling me what to do." I say

"Well I don't care." Kian says

"Can you guys stop saying Well or..?" Jc asks

"Stop." I say

"He's not doing anything." Kian says

"Whatever sorry." I say

"You make no sense." Jc says

I look at my phone and see Kayla texted me that she is getting out of the elevator right now, YAY FOOD!!

Kayla's Pov

My plans working great! So I basically I texted Matthew off of Ava's phone and said come to my place around 11.

It's 11 now and Matthew was in the elevator with me. As we walk out of the elevator I see Ava walking out of the apartment so I drop the food and pull Matthew into a kiss.

Ava's Pov

I felt my heart shatter, my boyfriend and one of my friends just did that!

They end their kiss and Matthew looks at me.

"Ava." Matthew says

"No." I say

"Got you your food." Kayla smiles

"Are you serious right now!" I yell

"Yeah." Kayla says as she shrugs her shoulders

"I can't believe you right now and with my boyfriend!" I yell

"You saw this coming." Kayla says

"You know what I'm done with you. Take your things and go." I say

"Alright." Kayla says

She passes me and walks into the apartment.

"Ava I love you." Matthew says

"I can't even talk to Matthew! I gave you another chance and all you did was not care!" I yell

"Kayla pulled me into the kiss, I was on my way to come see you, because you sent me a text saying to come." Matthew says

"I never sent you a text to come so I guess it was Kayla's plan." I say

"Yeah." Matthew says

"I still can't be with you, you like Kayla, I can see it." I say

"No I don't." Matthew says

"Yes you do, just leave me alone. We are over forever." I say

"No more chances?" Matthew asks

"No." I say

Kayla walks out of the apartment and smiles at me.

"It was lovely seeing you." She smiles

"Just get out of here." I say

I run back into my apartment and stop when I see Kian and Jc.

"Can you guys leave?" I ask

"No not until you tell me why you are crying." Kian says

"Just leave me alone and get out. I need time alone." I say

I grab Kian and Jc's hands, I pull them out of the apartment and then I shut the door.

I run to my room and lay down on my bed. UGH LIFE!!

I hear the door open and I walk into the living room.

"Drew?" I ask

"Yeah." He smiles

"Omg Drew!! I missed you so much." I say as I run to hug him.

"I missed you too, but have you been crying?" Drew asks

"Yeah." I say

"Explain." Drew says

"Kayla came and messed up things with Kian and Jc, then she kissed Matthew in the hallway, so I broke up with Matthew and kicked out Kayla because she was staying for a few days." I say

"Oh I'm so sorry." Drew says

"It's fine, I'm just happy you're back finally!!" I say


What's gonna happen now that Drew came back?


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