(33) Meet me on the roof.

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Ava's Pov

I left a note on Kian's door, saying:

Meet me on the roof.
We need to talk.

Right now I'm sitting on the roof of our apartment building. I hear the elevator and I look to see Kian.

"You actually came." I say

"Well duh." Kian says

"Okay stop with your rudeness and sit down." I say

"Whatever." Kian says

He sits down beside me and hands me his sweatshirt.

"What's this for?" I ask

"You look cold." Kian says

"Oh well thank you." I say

I put on his sweatshirt and look over at him.

"Okay why are you so upset?" I ask

"Because I made a mistake on believing Tyler." Kian says

"Same goes to me." I say

"Yeah, he kinda messed with our heads." Kian says

"Look I think we are better at friends." I say

"You think so?" Kian asks

"Yes and one day if we feel we are better then just friends maybe we can get back together." I say

"I'm fine with that." Kian says as he frowns

"Look Kian, I would say we could get back together but I just can't right now." I say

"I understand." Kian says

I smile at him and give him a hug.

"Now will you stop being in a bad mood?" I ask

"Yeah." Kian laughs

"Don't you need to film a nerd video for Kian and Jc?" I ask

"Yeah." Kian says

"Okay I'll help you film." I say


Kian and Jc just finished filming and now Maddie is with me while we sit on the couch.

"I'm glad you and Kian are better." Maddie says

"Yeah, I'm happy about that too." I say

"Well I better go." Maddie says

"Wait why?" I ask

"I have job interview." Maddie says

"Oh okay then good luck." I say

"Thanks." Maddie smiles

She gets up and walks out of the apartment.

Kian and Jc come sit next to me on the couch.

"What's up?" I ask

"I have a date, so I'm gonna go." Kian says

"Wow that was fast." Jc says

"Bye." Kian says

"Bye." Jc and I say

He walks out of the apartment.

"So what are we gonna do?" Jc asks

"Photo shoot?" I ask

"Yes." Jc smiles


So we just finished the photo shoot and it was pretty great.

Anyways now we are going to this girl named Andrea Russett's house

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Anyways now we are going to this girl named Andrea Russett's house.

I'm not sure who she is but Jc tells me she is really nice.

I do know she is Kian's ex, which doesn't really matter.

"Hey guys!" Andrea yells as she opens the door

"Hey!" Jc yells

"Hi I'm Ava." I say

"Hi I'm Andrea, so I heard you dated Kian." She says

"Yeah and you have too." I say

"We're both Kian's ex, what a wonderful thing to have in common." Andrea laughs

I laugh too.

"Anyways, come in guys." Andrea says

We walk into her apartment.

"Omg I love your place." I say

"Thanks." Andrea smiles

"Okay who wants to party?" Jc asks

"ME!" Andrea and I yell at the same time

"I think we're gonna be great friends." Andrea smiles


So I guess you could say Andrea and I are basically best friends.

We literally both love to party and love mostly all the same things.

Andrea even invited me to go to a party with her tomorrow night.

"See you tomorrow night!" I yell as Jc and I leave her apartment.

"Can't wait!" Andrea yells

Jc and I go to his car and get in.

"So you guys hit it off well." Jc says

"Yeah." I say

"I wonder what Kian is gonna think of this." Jc says

"It doesn't matter what he thinks." I say

"That's true." Jc says

"Anyways he can't say I can't be friends with her, he doesn't own me." I say

"That's also true." Jc says

"Anyways when are you gonna get a girlfriend?" I ask

"When she finally says yes." Jc says as he looks at me

"Way to through shade, and no I will not say yes because I already explained this to you." I say

"Whatever." Jc says

I smile at him and start to laugh. After a while he starts to laugh also.


What do you think Kian's reaction will be after he finds out Andrea and Ava are best friends?

What do you think Kian's reaction will be after he finds out Andrea and Ava are best friends?

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