Chapter 7- Alcohol Makes You Feel Like You're On Cloud 9

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I should have known he was working tonight. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. Here I thought that I was going to have a carefree night and now look what I got my self into. He couldn't even let me off the hook. If it were Lia here she would have gotten of the hook, but now since it's me I get an actual punishment.

I saw other police officers arresting kids that were drinking and were underage, writing down license plates, and writing down fines. The teenagers were getting put in police cars, well the ones that they captured anyways. Which wasn't a lot. Everybody practically fled like cockroaches when the person warned us that the police were coming. I couldn't help but wonder if Matthew got caught. And if Raelyn and Kyle did too.

But I mostly want to know who the bitch is that called us in.

"Where is Lia?" He asked walking over to me.

You're princess isn't here, she's with her own friends probably at a different party. Go bust that one next.

"She isn't here." I said looking down.

"You've been drinking?" He asked in complete and utter disbelief.

Is it really that noticeable? I didn't even drink that much. Okay, maybe I did but it was only like the first time. Or the second, maybe the third. It's not like I do it regularly.

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off, "Don't lie to me, I can smell the alcohol in your breath."

He shined a light in my eyes. Then took his finger and waved it in my face, "And you are drunk." He finished.

No shit Sherlock. Usually when people drink, they tend to get drunk. Otherwise, what is the point of drinking. Let's be honest, you don't drink alcohol just to drink it because it's the most greatest tasting beverage out there, no you drink it because you want to feel like you're on cloud 9.

Alcohol makes you feel like you are on cloud 9. There's no denying that, unless you are one of the drunks that is so emotional. I feel bad for those drunks, because then life isn't fun. I'd rather do stupid stuff while being drunk than just crying the whole time.

My Dad looked down at my glasses and picked it up then handed them to me.

I mumbled a thanks while he grabbed my arm and led me to his police car.

"You are going to have some serious punishments."

I already know, he doesn't have to remind me. It's not like I was expecting to get candies and unicorns.
I could tell that he was disappointed in me, and very angry at the same time. I'm sure when he was a teenager he did the same thing. That's what I don't get, parents did the same thing as teenagers for the same reason, yet punish their kids when they do those things for the exact same reason. Logic.

Anyways, I have once again let him down by not being like Lia. Bite me.

"Stay here." He told me.

He walked over to another police officer and talked to him for awhile before coming back to his police car where I was eating for him.

"Get in, we are going home."

We both got in the car and he drove back to home. He drove us home in silent. His hands gripped the wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white.

I could tell Lia was already home because my car was in the driveway. I felt bad, now she is going to get caught for lying as well because she was supposed to be with me. Or maybe she'll get away with it, I don't know.

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