Day 7 - Saturday

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There I sat, listening to Angela and Kevin share a conversation with one another. Mario insisted that we meet up with them for dinner. So, I made the phone call to Angela to tell her that he couldn't get it up and that we will be joining them for dinner. Before hanging up the phone, Angela couldn't resist a small giggle at my boyfriend's misfortune.

When I made the phone call, Mario was standing right there, doing his best not to say anything mean or just plain rude. After the call, he told me that I really need to stop talking about his ability (or inability) to perform and rise to the occasion. He also felt the need to make a disgusting remark about how Angela's in for a pleasant surprise, if she believes anything that comes out of my mouth. His statement almost made me call her back and cancel our dinner plans, but Mario convinced me to go through with it, or blackmailed me.

Across from me, Angela and Kevie haven't stop chattering about the stupid movie that they saw last night. Mario and I are behaving like the honeymoon stage is over for us. This has a lot to do with our constant bickering in his car. He wanted us to share a kiss and act like . . . Well, that I'm sexually satisfied. In fact, the goofball suggested that I mention sometime during dinner that he fulfills all my sexual desires.

So now we sit side by side, watching the new happy couple together. I'm so desperately trying to figure out a way to break up their love nest. How the hell can two people be this happy with one another? Just a few days ago, she wasn't even interested in dating him. Now she can't stop laughing at his corny jokes and touching his damn fake biceps.

I roll my eyes, thinking about it. Please, the boy can't even lift his fork without breaking a sweat. He doesn't have any muscles. I crack a smile at my own little joke. Mario turns to me, sensing my happiness. I swear he is like a rain cloud over my head. He doesn't want me enjoying myself, if he is miserable. I smile larger, because he raises an eyebrow in question. My secret, asshole.

Clearing his throat, he takes his attention off of me and focus on Kevin. In his eyes, I can see that he is ready for battle. I guess after twenty minutes of sitting and staring at them, he's ready to step his game up. Kevin is moving in quickly on his girl. This is all so entertaining to me.

"I work out at least four times a week." Mario tries to casually bring up. I internally roll my eyes and shake my head. He fails to realize that Angela gives very little crap about how often he does or doesn't work out. For all I know, she could be boosting Kevin's self esteem, by touching his baby muscles.

To my dismay, Mario lifts his shirt up and reveals his very nice six pack. I swallow hard, staring hard at his abs. Perfect.

"We are at a dinner table." Angela reminds him, all the while licking her lips.

Mario puts his shirt back down, meeting her gaze. I swear if he says anything suggesting a date, I will end his existence.

"All for Candy." He says smoothly.

"Steroids." Kevin fakes cough, but we all heard him clearly.

"You wish." I find myself defending Mario, before he can open his mouth. "Want some peanut butter with that jelly?"

Mario chuckles a little bit, enjoying every second that I play the part of his upset girlfriend. Ugh . . . I wish I can curse him out. Instead, I stare Kevin down, daring him to challenge me. He doesn't. Well, not right away.

He looks from Mario to me and back to Mario, studying us. It feels as though he can see our secret.

"Not jealous, but are you? I mean, Mario's been eyeing my girl all through dinner." He leans back in his seat with his arms crossed. It feels as though we're playing a game of chess, and I so badly want to smack the smug grin off his face.

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