Chapter Eleven

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Edited ✔️✔️

This chapter is dedicated to all of you for being such wonderful people! I never would've imagined this book getting the positive feedback it's getting. I literally squealed with joy (lol. So mature) when I saw this book reached 200 votes and 4k reads after only 10 chapters!!! That's crazy!!! And it wouldn't be possible without you so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Chapter 11

Mia's eyes flickered open or at least she thought they opened. With the room being completely dark it was hard to tell anything anymore, and Mia for a moment considered if she was dead until her brain registered the pain throughout her body.

There were no sounds except the occasional creaking of floorboards from the weight of someone walking past the room she was in. Her dry mouth and the unrelenting pain in her stomach indicated her desperate need of food and water.

Closing her eyes she tried to put a face with the familiar voice of the cloaked man but again, to no prevail.

That was the only thing keeping her sane—her thoughts. Her mind often drifted to Anna and her mom, longing to go home and to be in their protection which were probably the only things keeping her sane.

Mia adjusted in her seat, trying to ease the pain in her back but only ended up adding onto it. The ropes weren't loosening up any and Mia was glad that she at least couldn't see what their damage looked like on her skin. She always got lightheaded seeing her own blood.

Her whole body ached from being in the same, uncomfortable position for so long. Her back was the worst. The chair being such a hard wood didn't help either and made it impossible for her to find a position she was ok in. Through her limited movement, she had tried to at least find one position that she liked, any at all that would help relieve the pain in her spine, each time she did the ropes cut deeper and deeper into her ankles and wrists.

Great, Mia thought sarcastically, rolling her eyes while trying to take her bind of the searing pain. Now I have an itch.

She leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes, her heart pounding when she felt the fullness of her bladder, knowing she couldn't hold it much longer. Sleep seemed to be her best option. So she did. That's all she did. And that's all she could do to try and stunt her bladder from relieving itself and also have time for her stomach to rest.

It could've been an hour, a day, or a week but either way it didn't matter because it felt like an eternity before finally—finally!—she heard a creak. And it wasn't like the regular creaking noise like when people walked past the door. This was the creak of the door opening!

Mia's heart jumped into her throat and had to close her eyes again when suddenly the candles all lit to life at once, the flames flickering with the wind caused the person's movement. Mia's eyes burned since it was the first time she was seeing any light after such a long time. The warmth from the candles washed over her and her shivering body took delight in the feeling. Slowly, with caution, Mia began to try to adjust her eyes while blinking slowly. It was painful but after a few minutes the pain started to decrease to a minor sting in her eyes.

Vision blurry, she could make out the silhouette of a person standing in front of her. But her eyes were more fascinated with the cup and plate of food in his hands. She licked her chapped lips, imagining how nice the cold liquid would feel running down her dry throat.

The cloaked man held his hand out with the cup towards her lips. "Go slow," he instructed. "Don't need you hurling all over the place." Ignoring his warning, Mia drank the water quickly. It felt so good and, when the half empty cup was pulled away, she frowned with a protesting noise coming from her throat. "I said slowly!" Mia winced slightly at his tone, but nodded.

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