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Chapter Nine 

San's p.o. v

Opening the front door my mother standing in the hall, she asks "Your back?" Nodding to conceal the strain on my voice from crying. She leads me to the front room I guess the silence made her suspicious "What's the matter?" Looking down to the floor almost embarrased for running back "Billie cheated..." She said nothing wrapping her arms round me; deciding there was no point in moping about it I shoved a box full of photos under the sofa. Times like these I really admire how strong my mother really is. 

Skyping my brother later that night the calming sensation his voice gave me I say "So how was your first gig?" He smiles eagerly replying "It was so cool San, it was so loud and everyone was having an awesome time." Sounding like excited munchkin; he turns the camera tothe others Tre screaming into the microphone as Billie sits writing. Mike moving further down the tour bus before continuing the conversation "He hasn't actually talked since earlier; I guess he's genuinely sorry " Frowning at him "He's only sorry because he got caught." He quickly changes the topic "...anyway are you in my room?!" Sighing playfully "Next thing you'll be saying i'm wearing your shirt!" Examining my attire before continuing "You are wearing my shirt though!" Giving an evil giggle he sulks, the expression turning to a submission "Fine but only cause your upset." Did he really think I was that sensitive? 

Billie's p.o.v 

Watching Mike Skype San killed me inside; I couldn't talk to her not after what I've done reviewing the notes I wrote on the paper. 

The forgiveness plan 

- Apologize, nah too simple 

- Buy her flowers, mike won't let me near her 

- Write her a song.

Grabbing a new sheet and scribbling down some lyrics after an hour it seemed pointless unable to come up with anything. I felt like shit; heading to the bathroom, splash my face in the sink. The silence giving me time to reflect on what to do with life; lost in the trail of thought as Tre unlocks the door and sits on the floor holding the door shut.

"Billie, she loved you man and not because your some rockstar." 

Sighing I reply "Yeah but what if we both changed?" 

"The only one who changed is you and you couldn't see that until you lost her." 

"I didn't mean to, Tre I really wanna show her I still love her." 

"Then do it alone because its not my heart that's broken."

The insightful conversation ending as he closes the door behind him; sitting on the floor an idea hitting me if the only way to get to her was letting the rest world know; it was exactly what I was going to do.

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