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Chapter Ten 

Billie's p.o.v:

After pestering Mike for the last two hours I managed to find out san's whereabouts; now to just pull my plan together thinking about the possible ways it could go I could either publicly humiliate us both and get a kick in the balls or it could go perfectly. Making up some crappy excuse "Mike, we need to go to town soon because...uh...I have to play for a local shop y'know." Giving me a suspicious look before he says "Yeah, alright then."  Grabbing my guitar hiding in the cupboard for one last practice.

Walking through town looking round nervously; hoping to find her before we get to the store. Sighing hopelessly stood outside a cafe; I knew this was a stupid idea, deciding to just play the song;

I lost my way oh baby this stray heart went to another

can you recover baby oh your the only one

that I'm dreaming of your precious heart 

was torn apart by me.-

Mike interrupting "Billie she's there but I wouldn't look if I were yo-" Raising my head to see her walking with another guy; feeling my heart hit the floor covering my face feeling a warm tear on my palm Mike saying supportively "I'm sorry I should have said something." 

"It's fine, I fucked up and I just have to live with it." 

Feeling his arm on my back as Tre says "I think its a great time to go home." Mike driving us home slumping on to the sofa I must have spent a good hour staring into space; hearing the doorbell and Mike's voice falling "Oh hey San...Yeah sure you can." Seeing her appear in the doorway "Hey Billie" Grunting as I turn the other way. 

San's p.o.v

Walking in on a glum looking Billie Mike whispering in my ear "Reality hit like a bus this morning." Nodding as I sit on the other sofa "So how was the tour?" 

"It was brilliant we got a lot of positive feedback." 

Smiling "Good to hear." Looking over to Billie who was still facing the other way as I ask "How have you been." 

Recieving a blunt answer in reply "Pretty shit." 

"Oh...so...what did you think of your first tour?" 


The silence turning awkward as my brother leaves the room; my curiosity getting the better of me "Billie whats wrong." 

"You, you are whats wrong."


"Months and fucking months I have been planning every way I could make it up to you to make this shitty feeling go away." 

"And your blaming me for what you did?" 

"No, no, I saw you with a guy and brokedown because I still love you San I really do!" 

My voice still as soft as before "Billie it's too late now..." 

"It can't be because I know you still love me too." 

His green eyes becoming glazed and watery "I can't do this." Grabbing my backpack  and walking away.

Billie's p.o.v 

Shoving the contents of the table on to the floor Mike re- entering the room as he says "How did it go?" 

"I don't want to talk about it." I just wanted to be alone; with what felt like the world crashing down on top of me.

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