My Brother's In Love With My Best Friend?...But, He's Gay!{Chapter 2}

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Chapter 2

For a few weeks after that little joke on Paul and Cassadee, they've been sorta pissed off at me. Not really sure why the would be. I mean, it was just a joke! School has For the last few weeks, Paul, Cassadee, Tanner, and I have been skateboarding to school. Even in the hallways. Which was pretty funny to hear all the teachers yelling at us to get off them and walk to class. Walking isn't that fun.

"Who ever thought of making a skateboard?" Tanner randomly asked at lunch.

We just shrugged and and kept eating.

"What about Legos? Who ever thought of those things?"

By now, Cassadee and I were just staring at him. We really don't know where he got these things from. He always came up with random things to talk about at lunch. I shook my head at him and went back to eating my pizza. Tanner was so cute, but so weird at the same time.

I didn't really want to go to class after the lunch bell rung. 5th period lunch, leading to 6th period math, and right now math didn't look that fun. I shrugged it off and told Tanner and Cassadee I'd come back and pick them up after school.

I went up to the office to pick up my skateboard, pissed off that they took it, then skated down to the store. Not sure what I would by, or with what. I dug into my pockets to figure out I had about $74. Haha I'm rich! Oh wait...these aren't my pants. They're Holly's. No wonder why there's money in them. Little skank.

Smiling to myself, I picked out a couple of things to buy. You know, the usual shit. Candy, more eyeliner, a box of condoms for Holly, and some tampons. Nothing strange there. I realized I forgot to get Cassadee, Tanner, and Paul something. So I went back and picked out some hair bands for Cassadee, liquid eyeliner (guyliner) for Paul, and for Tanner...hell I'll get him some condoms too.

Ha check out guy is checking me out! Oh and my items, plus he's looking at me weird for getting so much eyeliner and condoms. Hm I still have a bunch of money left..I checked my watched and sighed. I had to go get the car, pick everyone up from school, then maybe me and Cassadee will go to Victoria Secret's.

Skating as fast as I could, without falling on my ass, or getting hit by a car. I finally made it home, grabbed my keys, got into my beat up pick-up truck, and started driving back to school. Ha I love my baby. Best car ever. Bench seat infront, big enough bed to have all four of us lay down and look at the stars. Red-ish brown, pretty fucked up..

Anyways, getting to school, everyone climbed in. In the front, it was me, Tanner, than Cassadee. Holly and Paul sat in the bed. Turning up my radio, America's Suitehearts by Fall Out Boy started playing. Of course, we all started singing along, except for Holly, who was probably like trying to flash some of the guys as we were leaving school. Slut. Anyways, I dropped off Paul and Holly first. Cassadee, said her goodbyes to Paul, weirdly enough, and we drove to her place.

"Rose, CanI tell you something?" Cassadee asked me.

"Of course Cassie." I told her.

"I think I like your brother." she said, then blushed.

"WHAT THE FUCK, Cassadee, he's gay, you know that."I told her.

"Ya,I know but he's just so cute and sweet." she looked at the wall as she tralied off....counting things that were just fabulous about Paul.

"Cassie, snap out of it! He's GAY which makes him act all sweet and cute!" She looked at me, almost ashamed of thinking about Paul that way.

"Well, what would you think ifI were to hook up with him?" she asked almost as if it had already happend.

"I would probably slap you both silly. I dont think it would be such a great idea." She looked at me like she was sorry. "But good thing it'll never happen."I said.

"Ya, good thiing it'll never happen." and i could be wrong but I swear to god that she said Again under her breath.

Her cell rang and she quickly looked down at her phone. Remembering that her ringtone is always Heartless, it was weird hearing it play Love Story.

"Who would that be?" I asked Cassadee.

"Oh, um.....nobody." she said quickly and silenced her phone.

I gave her one of my famous weird looks and just shrugged it off. I'll let it slip by this time, but when I hear that ringtone again, I'm going to jump on it like it's Tanner'

"CASSIE'S GOT A BOYFRIEND! CASSIE'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!!" I sang at the top of my lungs. She turned bright red at that and I stopped singing.

"Shut up! I do not have a boyfriend!" Cassadee yelled back at me.

"Fine then, you have a new boy toy!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

And yes, our conversation went on like that for a little while longer. Finally the doorbell rung and I raced to get it before her. Oh, euw it's Paul. I shrugged and let him in. I wasn't in the mood to fighting with my younger brother about coming over to Cassadee's. Hmm..Let's have some fun with this.

"So, Paul, did you know that Cassie has a new boyfr- I mean boy toy." I smiled evily at her when she turned red again.

"Really? Fun." Er. Paul sounded bored with this news. Maybe I should've made it more interesting. But who really cares about my best friends secret love? Oh right. That would be me! (insert big smiley here)

"Yeah, and his ringtone on her phone is Love Story by Taylor Swift. Isn't that sweet? She's probably in love with some gay guy...Um oops sorry bro didn't mean to offend you or anything. But you know what I mean. Cassie here falls in love with a new boy every week. She can't keep her hands to herself, and she wants to get into ever guys pants at school, she's almost like a guy but yeah. C'mon she can't be serious about really liking someone no matter what. The guy can get her knocked up and she'll still be over them ina week!" I sighed hoping that all of that would finally explain what was going on.

Well Paul, he just looked shocked and hurt. Cassadee looked pissed off at me for even daring to saying that. I shrugged off their looks and grabbed my cell phone outa my pocket to call for some yummy pizza. I was in the mood for some, and all of this was making me even more hungry. I looked at them and mouthed "what do you want on the pizza?". They shouted random things at me, so I just said everything on it. Then the wait begins....

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