My Brother Is In Love With My Best Friend?...But, He's Gay!{Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Hello, Rosemary Chaplin. I'm doctor Cayden Erikson. How are you feeling?" a young doctor in a white lab cat--coat greetted me. Did I just say he was wearing a lab cat? haha! that wack to the head wasn't to good for me.

"I'm doing pretty well, besides the fact I just got raped, By my boyfriend, and he made me go unconsious, and i was slow to begin with I can't even begin to think just what that might have done to me!" i screamed at him. The IV drip in my wrist was suddenly yanked out when I climed out of the hospital bed and clumsily walked over to the door.

"Wait! Rosemary please come back!" I heard the Doctor calling. I ignored him and kept walking. I could not deal with this write now. The only things i could think about was what could have happened. I could have an STD now, or be pregnant.

I started running, not to gracefullyI might add,to any exit I could find. And just my luck, the only close one to me was on the other side of the building on the first floor. I sighed, and started running back to where I came from. I was looking down while I ran, and didnt see the doctor. I crashed into him and fell on the floor.

"Rosemary-" he began.

"STOP! If your going to talk to me, call me Rose." I interrupted.

"Fine, Rose, please go back to the room. We need to talk about everything. And your bleeding, so we need to stop that also."

I looked at my arms, and realized that where the IV was before, was now spilling out blood. I had no idea how I didnt notice it before.

I grumbled and walked back into the room i was in before. A nurse walked in after me to start putting all the needles back in.

"Now Ms. Rose, would you like to know how everything turned out?" he asked when i was settled down. I rolled my eyes, to pissed to talk.

"Well, tell me when your ready. Why dont you just take a nap, you could use one due to the previous blood loss."

"Whatever," I mumbled. Im thinking he heard me, because he left with a slight nod.

I could feel the tears coming, but I refused to let them fall.

Why was I ever even with Tanner, I should have realised that he was no good, that he would hurt me eventually. I guess I just always pushed that thought to the back of my head.

I wondered if the doctor had told Cassie or Paul about what happened. Would they freak out, would they come here immediatley, what would they do? I guess I just have to wait and find out. But what shall I do in the meantime. I started humming the little thinkin song on who wants to be a millionare. The doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Yeah that thing.

I heard the door opening, and looked over to it with raised eyebrows. I smiled as I saw who walked in.

Paul and Cassie.

"Cassadee!!!" I screamed at her. She leaped, Ya LEAPED, over me bed, her being pregnant and all she fell on her back on the bed. I laughed like crazy!!! She tried to get up but she couldn't, that little bundle of cells in her tummy was too big...Paul had to help her get off my legs.

"Cass, You know you shouldn't be doing things like that." Paul scolded her as he held her for balance.

"YA, watever." She mumbled loudly.

"So what happened?" I heard Donovan say through the door. I looked over at him and Holly was standing next to him? He had a concered look on his face.

"Well, Tanner knocked me out then raped me and here I am three hours later."

"Ah, and so Ms. Rose, This is what you did not wan to tell me but would openly tell a friend?" Dr. Erikson came through the door past Holly and Donovan.

"Yes, key word FRIENDS. I tell them everything," I shrugged.

"Ok I see what you mean, but would you want to share what happened now that your friends are here?"

"Um, no I'll pass, but thank you for the wonderful offer," i said smiling sarcastically. He sighed and walked back out the room. I knew I would have to tell him eventually but I just wasn't ready.

"So do you want to tell us what happened?" Cassadee mumbled. I thought about it, but wasn't sure.

"Um, maybe in like an hour. Its still kind of shocking to think about it, you know?" I said.

"No i dont know, but ok," she said laughing.I rolled my eyes at her, and thought about everything that happened in the matter of five hours. It was a lot to take in for me. I mean, I always thought i had a pretty normal life, besides my brother getting my best friend impreganted, and me being totally random and awesome, but now that this happened, I just don't know. But what I did know, was that I wanted Tanner off the streets, and in jail. For all I cared, i hoped he goes to jail in Mexico and gets chilis shoved up his ass. I heard what that does to a guy, and yeah not pretty.

But, what can I do? Nothing. I would answer questions to the police, but knowing Tanner, he's erased any trace he's had of being here by now. It would take them forever to find him, and that thought alone sent chills up my spine.

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