My Brother's In Love With My Best Friend?...But...He's Gay{Chapter 15:The End}

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Chapter 15: The End

Dear Rose, Rose, Paul, And Donovan,

I know what's going on. And this will probably be the last thing any of you hear from me. But I love you all so much. And I only want the best for you all.

PAUL: I love you honey. You are the love of my life, and I hope you never forget me. But I want you to find love again, I want you to want to wake up in the mornings and have a purpose. Besides raising our daughter of course. I want you to be nice to her. And I want you to love her for me. I know I'm not there physically, but I'll always be watching over. Tell her that I love her every day. And give her a kiss from me(Our daughter not your new wife, in case that confused you). And tell her that I'm always there. I know you can be the best father in the world to our baby. OH, and don't forget to feed her and change her dipers :). Love, I know this is going to be hard, but please try. And Don't quit school. Rose is almost graduating. Make her watch the baby while you go to school. You don't know how much you mean to me. And don't forget that someday, when it's your time, we will see eachother again, and I'll be waiting for you. I love you with all my heart baby :* Don't forget me. (not that you could if you wanted to).

ROSE (The Older One): Hey girly! I hope you're feeling better. Don't dwell on this all, because as you are probably going to say at my funeral, I'll always be with you, in your heart and soul. I'll look over you. I want you to have Chyna. I want you to take care of her and love her with all your heart. I also want you to make sure that Paul is taking care of the Baby. please ake sure he finishes school. And maybe even goes to college. When you have your own baby make our Babys friends! And if yours is a boy, then make sure the try to date eachother at least once. You are like my sister Rose. I love you. Take care of yourself and your brother. And don't be afraid to love. Get married and have babies. Me and Paul were going to get married. and then this happened. But it's ok. I'll see him again someday. Forever and always. I love you Rose.

ROSE (My Daughter): Hi Love. I'm your mommy. And you aren't old enough to read this but dady will read it to you. I had to leave a couple days after you were born. I went back to the place were people come from. I'm not sure were that is yet. But I hope you know that I love you baby girl. I will always be with you. Even if you don't understand this yet. Aunty Rose is going to help Daddy take care of you sweetie. They love you very much. I love you very much, and I'm sorry I had to leave so soon. You look like me. Did you know that? Maybe you can find some pictures of me in a box somewhere and see for yourself. But, don't froget to show daddy. And when you get older and start likeing boys, don't get mad when daddy doesn't like your boyfriend. He knows what he is talking about and you should listen. I hope you listen to him anyways. Don't forget to tell daddy how much you love him. And you have to always listen to him or I will be very dissapointed in you. Mommy loves you baby. I hope you know and remember that. And Whenever you need a reminder feel free to keep this letter handy.I love you baby girl. :**

Donovan: Hey. What's up? I know we weren't really that good of friends, but I wanted to talk to you too. Be good to Rose, and propose soon, and give baby Rose a boyfriend. Take care of her, okay? Rose (your Rose) is going to be pretty upset by this all. And I don't want her killing herself. I want her to serve her purpose in life, whatever that may be. Love her, Donovan. Keep her close, because you never know when you might lose her like Paul is losing me. She's dying the most inside. I knew she is, she must be. Remind her everyday that I'm with her. And don't fprget to tell her she if beautiful every morning. At first keep an eye on Paul and the baby please. and Just to be safe don't let Rose alone with her until she has understood that Killing my daughter won't bring me back. I know what she must be thinking. Because if I were her I would be thinking the same thing, that if the baby would have never been born then she would still be alive. Truth is I probably wouldn't because I had a brain tumor, I told the doctors not to tell you guys because I wanted to.myself.

I want you all to remember that it was none of your's faults (is your's even proper english?), I LOVE YOU GUYS! BYE!



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