My Brother Is In Love With My Best Friend?...But, He's Gay!{Chapter 5}

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Chapter 5

*~*~*~6 mnths Along (in pregnancy)*~*~*~

Cassedee's P.O.V.

Sometimes, I just really really wished, that maybe, just maybe, Rose would decied to mind her own business on stuff that she wasn't even involved in on the first place. Like the fact that her brother, a year younger than us, decieded to get me PREGNANT. Yes, I was pissed at him at first, but then I realized that hey, I loved the boy so it was fine.

"Cass, Where do you want the changing table?" Paul asked me. We were putting the Baby's things in the spare room (the room Rose questiond(sp) about). I usually had it covered with wall paper, but now that we need it we had to take the wallpaper off.

"Uh, by the window." I said rubbing my tummy. He put it under the window.

"No! Not under! Next to." He grumbled. I smiled at him sweetly as he looked up. The babys room was almost fully furnished.

"Ahhhhhhhnh!" I screamed and jumped as the doorbell rang and Chyna started to bark. Ughh, not Rose again, Don't get me wrong, i loved her, But she came over to often.

"Hey girly!" I shreiked as I opened the door. She had been over only once since last month, so she gaped when she saw how big I was, No she didn't know I was preggers yet.

"Uh, Cassie, You know you have a thing growing in you, Right?" She asked.

~*~Rose's P.O.V~*~

"Uh, Cassie, You know you have a thing growing in you, Right?" I asked. She held her stomach protectivley and kissed it, No let me refraise that. She tried to kiss her Stomach. I guess she finally realized that i had commented on the baby instead of her fatness, cause she looked at me in amazment after a minute. Wow- were both really slow I guess.

"No,I actually didn't know." She joked, a smile spreading over her face as she noticed I wasn't angry. Chyna leaped onto the small side table next to the door (she's a small dog-she can do stuff like that- so ha).

"Honey, where do you want this dresser?" Paul called from the other room. I looked at Cassie, suprised. I hadn't actually thought Paul moved in to be with Cassie, i thought he moved in to be with the baby.

"Uh, Paul, your sister's here." Paul walked out of the room i had been amazed with for a while. he was a little sweaty and i had to admit that when Cassie hooked up with him she made a good choice. I just had no clue that when she called me Six and a half months ago to tell me she had lost her virginity(sp) it would end up like this.

"Oh, em, hi Rose." He greeted nervously. Holly walked up behind me in the doorway.

"Ugh, Rose this isn't the mall." She pouted. She was wearing almost nothing, she was probably going there to fuck a couple guys in exchange for thirty bucks.

"Holly, you will have plenty of time to screw your little friends, I want you to see, this will happen to you if you dont stop." I pointed to Cassadee. Cassie turned sideways so Holly could see how big her stomach had actually gotten. Holly gasped.

"Eww, I dont wanna be,, THAT!" She almost screamed. we went down the stairs and into my truck and went toward the mall.

My Brother's In Love With My Best Friend?...But, He's Gay!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang